This is grade V kinja
This is grade V kinja
Gotta bring your v game
Nobody needs to bring their A-game to fuck with a woman who puts jade up her vagina. You don’t even have to bring your B-game to do that.
Yeah, no argument there... but this really seems to address how people who “grew up” on the modern internet with social media, etc., seem to approach things. They think a good tweet is what makes things successful... not, you know, actual planning and physical anything.
This feels, in part (and not wholly at all!) what happens when we actually shift everything to “the internet” and forget that actual work and things need to occur in addition to the no-work hype on social media.
don’t you mean “Lord of the Flyes”?
I think economics is probably the biggest factor. Women entering the workplace means you can be financially stable outside of marriage and you can leave when things go bad. My grandfather was a wife beating alcoholic, but my grandmother was only able to leave him when she started receiving benefits.
This is so well described! Thank you.
Johnson also told Fallon that he thought voters were looking for “more poise, less noise,” and “better leadership.” He believes his mass appeal comes from a combination of early rising, supporting the troops, and being a family man.
Dwayne, a half full tube of toothpaste could beat donald trump right now. Let’s not get hasty.
*wraps Dave Grohl in bubble wrap, just in case*
I actually am a little surprised that his death might be a suicide although I probably shouldn’t be. Cornell seemingly cleaned up his act and got sober years ago, but clearly the emotional/psychological issues that lead people to abuse drugs can be a lot harder to resolve.
The SO and I were supposed to go see him (solo) a few years ago, but had to sell our tickets because of a schedule conflict. Our friends said it was one of the best live shows they had ever been to.
I feel ya. Badmotorfinger came out my junior year in high school, woah crush city.
I guess the least surprising news is that it looks like it’s probably a suicide. So much of his body of work dwells on death and oblivion. He made it to 52. That’s almost twice as old as Cobain was when he killed himself. Christ. That was a long time ago.
Let me interject a brief reality check: single non-hideous men with good jobs (or, in this case, an international reputation and not without charm) don’t have to work that hard to get women to go to bed with them in our century.
I like Against Love, which was Kipnis’ early book, but now she just seems sloppy. A professor and student being in a relationship is not okay. If nothing else, a professor doesn’t only teach one student. They teach and evaluate a whole class. I’m willing to bet Kipnis would not be willing to be judged, in this…
Movies with minorities might be the only thing saving Hollywood right now. Their whitewashed films have been tanking and their regular white lead films aren’t doing that well because it’s same old, same old.