Javier is 21 years older than her and I am assuming they are cast as a married couple. It is so strange!
Javier is 21 years older than her and I am assuming they are cast as a married couple. It is so strange!
Sure, that’s definitely true, but since in this movie her love interest is 20+ years older than her I doubt the part was originally intended for such a young actress. Also Jennifer Lawrence has a history of this, in Silver Linings Playbook she played a widow, and was opposite Bradley Cooper who is 16 years older than…
Way too young to play Mrs. Pence
Did you happen to catch Twitter COO’s response?
For some reason hearing Trump describe himself as “a very active President with lots of things happening” makes me think of the way that people describe retirement home residents.
No one is going to buy those short, fat bottles because they would be too hard to grip with wet soapy hands, but some marketer is going to take that as meaning no one wants short, fat bottles because they are reminded of short, fat women.
I look forward to the day when I’m not considered less-than simply because of the viscous gooey residue preventing my cap from fully closing.
All the bottles are still white, tho.
I don’t know, I can imagine situations but they would be pretty rare. I think what gets me is as a show, Handmaid’s Tale is significantly less violent and graphic than something like Game of Thrones (I do know one guy who stopped watching GoT because he felt it was too violent, but he’s the only one I know). If you…
I “broke up” with a dude friend of 20 years over this exact conversation, except it was about final season Joan in Mad Men.
I feel the same way about my partial deafness. People would ask how I handle wearing hearing aids every day. And I would ask them how they manage to ever take naps at work when they can’t switch off their hearing.
Just like men were shocked about the pussy grabbing but still voted for Trump because saying I don’t like the pussy grabbing was enough of an action.
I have a friend who was born without a hand. A guy broke up with her because “watching her struggle” with one hand was too hard for him. Poor pookie.
I feel like it’s more likely to be ‘my period leaked on to the mattress’ or at the worst ‘I had a homebirth’ than ‘this is the mattress here I killed my cheating husband’
My guess on the blood stains is that, well, women have periods, and sometimes tampons and pads aren’t sufficient. Nothing exciting *at all*.
That’s what I was thinking. Most of my 4-5 day domestic trips cost about $1k for travel and lodging and I usually end up spending another $750-1k while there, and I am most certainly working class.
I’m sure that, at some point, I’ll tire of hearing about this, but not yet. Not even close. Pass the popcorn!
It’s really brought people together to bathe in its warm, glowing, warming glow.