
She was tried in a Court Martial for a number of articles. But long story short When you join the military you are subject to a number of laws that either are non-existent in civilian law or have much more lenient punishments in civilian courts (adultery is actually a crime under the UCMJ (generally under article

Papa John is a tax dodging gay hating wage filching one percenter. Zero pity. Negative fucks given.

Papa John is a giant douche, so I don’t feel sorry for him.

You are the second person to report such a weird mixup. Do you have an “obligation”? Depends on if you mean morally or legally. Legally, the ticket is the notice and the charge for what they accused you of. As written, it kind of fails to do that.

Telling people to dismiss anyone that says something contrary to your preconceptions is intellectually lazy.

You do realize bullets can go all the way through somebody right?

I think you mean Caustic, Ulcerous, Nauseating and Twat.

See, people like you anger me. It can be confusing ordering food at a new place as a lot of things can be going on at once. It is clear to me this lady was really trying to ask if it was on a bun or a slice of bread. I’ve heard this very same question used in a restaurant before. It should be your first instinct to

I don’t think it really stank, you know, like Foot Odor or Sweaty Armpits.

She wasn’t high in jail, it was detected in her system. Weeks-old lacerations aren’t “fresh.”

So this is what we have here:

darleeeeene: “I totally don’t want to be this guy, but you know “milkshitter” is a gay slur right?”

Those in the GOP condemning Trump celebrated when war hero John Kerry was ‘swift boated” by Bush during the presidential campaign. So, they should shut the fuck up about their fake patriotism.

Better question: “It’s 5:04am. Do you know where *your* thumb is?”

I’m sortof serious. Maybe it’s gotten to the point where people sleep while their thumbs carry on reflexively.

: )

Actually, when deconstructed, the transaction is far simpler: I’m paying him money to cook food that I will then consume. He can judge me all he wants, as long as the meat on my plate looks like I envisioned it when I placed the order. I am not doing it out of spite or to purposely “offend” him with my “rudeness”. I

Peanut Chews!!

I think the correct notion would be that the reviews should be coming from someone who began with a neutral disposition. If I walk in knowing that noting can change my mind I’m not in a position to review the material. It’s equally bad if the person will just spew effusive praise with little regard for the actual