
Honestly, I would rather be dead than blind.

He blinded her with drain cleaner!

Also, I hope I’m not coming off like these other shmoes you’re arguing with. I’m just saying I don’t think she’ll do well in the primary, and that has nothing to do with the GOP witch-hunts she’s been shrugging off since the 90’s...

“That’s so cute that you think that means she’ll end up in prison instead of the White House.

Bill gives it two thumbs up...A busy Hillary is a happy Bill

A schooner is a sailboat, you idiot!

Haha, perhaps I over exaggerated a bit.

I thoroughly loved the two tiered gauge design. To each their own.

Let’s see how Kinja handles this overly large picture:

This. It’s ludicrous how many times I’ve forgotten I have a tiny bit of weed in my bag, or some other contraband, and gotten through security just fine. Makes you feel reeeeal safe.

The new ‘Found Them First’ microsite asks for access to your account, then scours it for what you listened to and when. data mines it and sells that off to any source, no matter how unscrupulous.

Oh, I hope you like it too!

Too some degree, yes, I still feel like this was something some kid designed in a competition for third graders or something. Our old flag was at least a little better, I was more so comparing it to that than anything.

I’m not sure why but it looks almost like a “kids” version of the logo. Hard to explain.

Ummm wrong. Jesus outdid the bearded maniacal fuck of the OT on the cruelty scale by introducing permanent torture for temporary transgressions, and for the sin of not bowing down and worshipping him in utter sycophancy.Neither book is a good book.

Ironically, you jumped the shark by claiming that someone of his stature and intelligence doesn’t know much about a subject he has spent countless years of his life analyzing.

Anyways He more than dubbed his money.