
My weekend revolves around the Dolphins-Jets game. NFL football? At 9:30AM?? Crazygonuts!!

I’m no Jeb fan, but this is just the left trying to create something from nothing. He clearly wasn’t referring to the shooting and any critic who’s honest with themselves will let this one slide and wait for the next one.

I got fleeces ok, but I read it as JerseyFlesh.


Awww, can’t accept the message so you attack the source. So typical..

A cynic would say he’s lying. I’ll say he’s dreaming. As for this emoji thing, it’s fluff, sure, but it’s still 5 or 6 months before anything important will happen in election politics. Until then, it’s mostly fluff. Look at all the Repubs pretending they’re Iowans. Eating pork chops on sticks and riding Harleys. Or

What reason do I have to believe he’s been unfaithful since?

Tuition-free college education. Sure. Reminds me of my high school class election, where the candidates promised longer lunches and pinball machines in the classrooms, and other impossible things.

I proved no such thing.

Oh, because he was unfaithful 25 years ago. I get it.

That’s so cute that you think that means she’ll end up in prison instead of the White House.

I’m sure he’ll “find himself” and settle in, but I’ll miss the political humor that drove his previous show. I’ve never been a fan of late night talk shows, mostly because I have little interest in what actors and singers have to say, but I do enjoy guests from other areas like politics and the literary world.

Continuous and steady, for what, a day? A week? Come back in October and see where they stand. Better still, come back in March.

LOL! You’re cute.

Do you know something the rest of the world doesn’t?

I’ll bet you a dollar she wins in both of those states.

Lowest ever, and still a 20 pt lead over Sanders.

Not like it matters much, she’s a practical lock for the Dem nomination.

It’s not a sailboat, it’s a schooner.