
The stakes are too high to spend a vote where it won’t do any good.

He bailed out and endorsed McCain two months before the first primary, who exactly thought he had a shot?

Cause: I want an unelectable candidate to win the election.

I also heard that about Fred Thompson in 2007.

Since that story was most likely fiction, it doesn’t really matter.

Oh shut the fuck up already.

Shh. This is no time for facts or reality!

Well, at least you didn’t also say all cops are racist murderers. So perhaps there’s some hope.

Eh, they should have shot her.

If you show a typical Carol Burnett episode to someone under 30, would they get the humor?


That may be your problem. It’s not the problem.

I don’t believe in god, but if he did exist, I’m almost positive he wouldn’t talk like a 17-year old black girl.

Maybe they should be compensated by the actual perpetrator. You know, not the victim, but the person who killed the victim. Maybe that’s who should be doing the compensating here.

It’s disrespectful. It’s not transphobic. Those words are not interchangeable.

How do you feel about ‘chicks with dicks’? Is that also off limits?

Yes. Posts that try to preemptively sanitize a board are as offensive as anything they’re trying to prevent.

No reason to get irritated. Word meanings drift over time. I remember when the word “literally” meant “literally”. Now it means “figuratively”. Who am I to refuse to accept this?

Flick her right in the vagina!