
See I buy this argument. I buy the “We couldn’t give it to lebron because he wouldn’t have wanted it and it would’ve been mad awkward television,” story. But let’s call a spade a spade rather than trying to somehow act like he wasn’t the MVP of the series that other people are doing.

So, because the effort on the service end is the same whether the server brings me a $5 hamburger or a $50 steak, I should tip the same, right?

Don’t know, but I’ve had them last for 3 months or there ‘bouts if I double bag them.

And I see I am back in the greys because I didn’t agree with your editorial opinion. Lovely.

Avacados used to pump gas when they first arrived out here.

Honeychild, I’m the same way.

i’d die of a rage-stroke.

I’m giving you likes because you’re the first person I’ve seen openly admit that fact. We all do it from time to time, but everyone lies about it. Go you.

Not sure why people are adverse to drinking before they’re thirsty, anyway. Good thing your doing there. Water lubricates the digestive system, and helps your body with it’s natural functions. It’s not like people are going to O.D. on water, they’d have massive hints to stop far before water intoxication :-)

I went hiking in the smokies a year ago and one of the pamphlets they gave us had some tips. “Rest before you’re tired and drink before you’re thirsty.” I tend to apply that to everything now. I don’t really understand why people would wait until they actually “feel” thirst before drinking. I do drink at least 1-2

Drink some water for that burn. It’ll cool you right off.

I’m not understanding the outrage here. She applied for a position the qualifications for which were mostly based on her appearance. Her appearance didn’t match what her potential employer wanted. The end.

Vote: PayPal

Sure I can! I’m doing it RIGHT NOW.

A car crash is justifiable cause to search a phone. If you were sending a text two seconds before crashing, make the punishment draconian. There’s NO EXCUSE for that.

So it didn’t take long for the people who find a way to complain about absolutely everything to suggest that showing Theon’s face was a way of making it about “manfeels,” rather than sparing Sophie Turner and the viewer the actual sight of her being raped.

The thing is, “Washington Redskins” is an institution in DC that many of them grew up with. What people hear when you say, “this name is racist and needs to be changed,” is not “let’s work together for a brighter, more equal tomorrow,” but, “something you identify strongly with is racist and your positive experiences

I love how deadspin and it’s readers constantly write about how bad SNL is but apparently watch it from start to finish every week and critique every moment of it. Now here comes the replies about how they haven’t watched it since the original cast. The reality is that for the last 30 of its 40 years, SNL has produced

a tl;dr of Jalopnik readers looking at a new car design:

"Siri, remind me that I can deseed a pomegranate easily on December 21"