
But, just like the Gawker case, the First Amendment doesn’t always shield you from an invasion of privacy claim. There’s a balance, and given the potential impact of Schefter’s tweet on Paul’s handling of the story the damages could be quite large here as well if he wins on that claim.

Doesn’t mean they can’t offer a different service like HBO Now does. If they sold online Olympic coverage for $20 almost everyone who wanted to watch would buy it, but you’re saying that the only possible way we should watch the Olympics is to contract to a $60/month plan. It’s 2016 dude.

co-signed, hated being shackled to my girlfriend for 9 years, moved in with her, loved it. Been happily co-habiting for the past 7 years, life is way better.

Thanks. It just seems to me that by persistently ignoring the graphic pictures through caution, she was in fact shunning them.

can you please google “shun definition” and then post the result here? kk thx.

Holy shit - this is just a straight forward informative post explaining the answer to an interesting question. Well done.

Jelly is disgusting, were you raised in a boxcar?

Most probably with the evolution of the neocortex, but possibly as early as the limbic (“mammalian”) brain.

Something tells me making a bunch of noise in the comment section is going to have a quicker effect than sending an e-mail to

I hope Jimmy is taking notes on that sweet feet first dive!

You missed the coolest fact about Sasha - the last ever draft pick of the Seattle Supersonics!!

Great insight, after reading the article I was pretty sure Billy was implying they were a top 10 team.

When I was 11 I was at a week long hockey camp at the University of Maine. My best friend and I realized a couple days in that - cut off from TV (this was 1994) and playing hockey 10 hours a day - no one had any idea of what was going on in the world.

Can we please start including mobile graphics cards in the Kotaku benchmark posts now?

“highest quality meats” lol

Or, you know, just a regular pandemic that eventually kills off everybody’s blood lines.


Come on Evan! How is PegLegBoy supposed to continue to ignore race if you’re throwing it in is god damned face all the time!?! This is Gizmodo!! Computers don’t see race!

I can’t tell if I’m missing a joke or this is the most generic comment of all time.

Lulz, you sound racist and sexist!