
After doing everything it can to make its cars unappealing to everybody, they decide to advertise it to a major video game with one of the youngest player bases in the industry? Wtf?

And BMW becomes still more dead to me. This may be the dumbest thing they have done yet.

It totally makes sense to advertise a new BMW in a game where the average player is 13 years old and broke.

I take my car to this guy, he even has his own garage with a lift and tools, give him some money, and sometime later he returns my car totally fixed. It’s pretty amazing.

You’re “guessing”? Well, this being “Jalopnik” and not “Boat maintenance daily”, yes, you’d think that we’re “new to the world of large ship maintenance”.

On the other hand, it appears that you felt the need to inform of us your vast experience at cutting through hulls to replace marine engines. You’ve accomplished

Speaking of which, is anyone else missing their November issue of “Large Ship Maintenance”? It usually comes on the same flatbed they use to remove the month’s concrete shrouded waste from the local nuclear power plant, but nothing yet so far.

So, yes, it all kind of starts with a car crash, and in this case, it’s a Ford-on-Ford literal mashup, with what appears to be a 1948-ish Ford F1 pickup climbing up and over a 1949-1951 Ford sedan

Mission accomplished AC, I clicked half-expecting a v10 Ferrari. How is it any more Vipery than the standard long-nosed 812? It is prettier than an 812 though, it’s like Ferrari un-Mansory’d their own car.

The headlights don’t help, but the grille is the first thing you see. It’s like looking at Spock: his eyebrows hit you first, and by the time you start to accept them you realize his ears are pretty pointy, too.

i disagree with this hot take.

 They know who their target market is: Men with small penises.

The 992’s design is perfect

How exactly, does facing one another prevent the spread of aerosol particles?? This seems worse to me. Not of mention the prospect of having a stranger stare at you for 4 hours. Nope.

So a Land Rover Discovery??? I thought Ford and Land Rover parted ways?

I’ll pass on calling dibs. Few things are more humiliating than being underwater on a Hyundai.


I can’t remember the last time I thought Zagato improved something they worked on.

You can still see the indent in the grille itself for the plastic insert that’s supposed to divide it. My guess is that there’s going to be sensors in there, and they’re testing the pre-production vehicle with the plastic insert removed in order to better manipulate or swap out the sensors.

Looks like Boeing picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue......

An STI engine swap would, of course, be neat but I’m just happy with the blue lighting if I’m honest.