
So can I get this on a poster at my local Scholastic book fair?

He must have jumped that thing 50 yards!

Maybe it’s too similar to the Ken Miles story, but Mark Donahue - Roger Penske’s Golden Boy.

I gotta have more grill!

So you’re digging the 2050 BMW X5d Eco xdrive semi-mini pedestrian slicer edition ? Noted.

And in this case the court was right. There was nothing unfair or deceptive about forgetting to tighten the lug nuts, what was just negligence. In this case the mechanic *did* actually rotate the tires, he just did a shitty job at it.

Could’ve been avoided if he’d simply made Alain change.

Sorry, that wing combined with the lip spoiler just looks completely and utterly ridiculous.

A car sitting in a garage makes 0 horsepower.

When it’s devoid of the most important feature...


As a mechanical engineer, it boggles my mind they came up with things like this with hand drawings and slide rules. No automated machining, no 3D modelling. Just old school engineering. I couldn’t care less about modern locomotives, but there is just something about old steam locomotives. 

California’s high-speed rail project turned out different than I expected.

Zagato certainly has a knack for making shit uglier. Other design houses have made some stinkers, but nobody is as consistently net negative as Zagato.

64 yr old was British, that was his hard Brexit.