
Was there any indication in the report as to why it failed to recognize the pedestrian as something to avoid? It’s odd that it saw an object of any kind in the road (of any kind) six seconds before, and yet did not feel it needed to try to avoid it. It’d be more understandable if it was malfunctioning and simply

Wow! It really did! I never saw that before. It’s uncanny.

This is also a very good observation.

Wow. Mind blown. You see things very clearly.

I like the side shots, but I think the front is not great (I like the 488's front much better), and the rear is a scandal.

To set the driver’s side mirror so that it shows you the edge of your car. In fact, that ensures a car-sized blind spot right off your driver’s side flank. Now I angle it out so I can’t see any part of my car, and then cock my head towards the left and make sure I can still see the edge of my car when doing that.

It’s impossible not to admire the Aussies.

Interesting point. I know that they are at a strategic disadvantage compared to Mercedes and other cars that have a round emblem on the front grill (e.g., Mazda, Toyota), as those cars have all now gone to a solid emblem medallion that they use to hide the radar (and perhaps other forward looking camera) for their

Faulting Days of Thunder for not being as good as Top Gun is like faulting Buffalo Chicken Pizza for not being as good as Buffalo Wings.

First of all, I’d love to know why you’re just getting to Days of Thunder (hereinafter “DOT”). You’ve got a mighty big backlog there if you’re only moving into 1990.

At least the interior looks nice.

I like it a lot. But with all of this reworking, somehow it is also reminding me ever so slightly of the HHR, which is . . . off-putting.

Sure did.

You know, they say geniuses pick green.

Sold! (To the dealership.)

Any sense of why the paperwork is so prohibitively expensive? What’s the policy there? There’s clearly an international market for these, even if they only get as far as elsewhere in China, or back to Japan, or some other right-hand-drive country.

Shameful. But the goods news is that, now that Ricciardulli has had a chance to tell this story openly, future plaintiffs (assuming any remain) will be able to seek an adverse inference based on this cover-up. If granted (and I can’t imagine it ever won’t be granted given what I just read), the judges will then

Dear god, I think this may really be the last straw. What the hell, BMW? Just, stop. Get some rest. Get right. Go back, look at what you’ve done throughout your lineup, confront yourself in the mirror, and start over entirely. Awful.

I can’t believe that thing came out of a Toureg.

And that was back when the Happy Meals used the good plastic too!