
Interesting. My buddy and I have had this discussion many times, but we both agree that the C6 has the edge on looks (on the outside that is, which I probably didn’t need to point out). And we’re also old farts (I mean, we’re discussing two generations of Vettes, so . . . .) Eye of the beholder and all, I guess.

I like to imagine that there’s a parent in there just trying to get their kid to school on a snow day.

As an owner of a rather good-looking (I think) but otherwise unforgivably bland and ill-behaved (oil-consumption defect engine rebuild) 2010 A4 Avant, this sounds all too familiar. I have two points to lend.

No. This is still not enough for me. Voice controls are annoying and inconvenient (particularly in certain situations like mid-conversation or when someone’s sleeping), and no excuse to do away with buttons altogether. This push to eliminate buttons has gone overboard.

In fact, the only problem I had with the car was the massive touch screen that controlled everything. The V90 only had one dial, and that was for managing the radio volume. If you wanted to change anything else—the radio station, locate the nav, alter the car’s driving dynamics, access the climate control—you had to

Misleading. You need to factor in the settlements with the C&C spectators.

Today, however, we have a number of traction enhancing options, like winter-specific tires (of which I am an evangelist champion) and tire chains.

I believe they pivoted to a more global solution — make the world too warm for snow to fall in the continental U.S.

Are they doing that filled-in Mercedes symbol on all their cars going forward? Looks really low budget — it’s basically just a sticker now.

I just realized, apparently to this seller, airbags do not fall into the category of modern options. Wonder what does?

Yeah. I imagine that bolted or perhaps glued-on metal disaster in the middle of the wheel would hurt a bit in a crash if indeed there was an airbag under it. That said, if you woke up one day and realized that you had paid $17500 (or any other price) for this thing, it might be exactly what you needed.

I would have preferred a Family Truckster effort here.

Seriously — how did someone miss that? The ground crew must have known. The smell alone. But also, I would think in all the prep, they’ve have caught the large sandwich lump in his pocket, right?

That is pretty awesome! I bet then that he wasn’t losing any sleep over the Congressional spanking either. Like, “Hey, I don’t know if you’ve heard of Neil Armstrong — oh, you have, cool — well he’s pretty brave and fit, right? Well, he was pumping 190 bpm during our last lunar descent while I was at 90. Right, 100

Always fun to see excellence at an early age like that.

Agreed — that’s the part I was focused on too. The shape of the outer edges of the tail lights is also reminiscent for me of the 991s in particular. And also agreed — nothing wrong at all with looking a bit like a 911.

Personally, I didn’t understand that logic. I’d probably have decided to drop my skis, just so I could hold onto the chair better, and avoid having them at some terrible angle when I hit the ground if I did end up falling. But why you’d CHOOSE the worst case scenario (falling) rather than hang on and hope for a

Agreed — it’s the fault of the person who didn’t label it. I found myself wondering if the water was for an M3 GTS; otherwise, I can’t think of any reason one would fill a gas can with water in the first place.

I see a lot of Porsche in this.

Black is nice. But black with black wheels, I’m very tired of. There can be only one Batman.