Sure looks like one. But maybe that’s exactly what they want you to think....
Sure looks like one. But maybe that’s exactly what they want you to think....
I had heard that gas prices were high in the UK, but jeez.
Automotive equivalent of men’s nipples.
I’m going to sound cynical saying this, but I actually think it’s true. You want to sell Americans on autonomous cars? Simple. Just work up a mid-priced car with a high definition TV for each seat and a high end coffee maker, have one of the parents reclined, shoes off, banging out an email with CNBC on in another…
I have to say, I’m impressed at what reserve the guy showed after being hosed down. I think it would have ended in a lot of chest puffing and nonsense in America. But who knows — maybe being hit with a fire extinguisher has the same effect on people as smoke does on bees.
Agreed. Looked to me like he tried to straighten out like they normally do once the wheels are down (and end up looking like a total boss), but in this case the wheels popped back up and off at the wost moment, so his attempt to straighten ended up being an overcorrection, which then set in motion a little brown-alert…
I had no problem with this take. I agree that Hamlin sounds like a spoiled version of Chicken Little, claiming that NASCAR is in danger of collapsing simply because drivers aren’t making NFL or NBA money — a point that only seems valid if he can find a single driver who is considering whether to go into NASCAR vs.…
I always imagine these guy’s moms thinking “I worried about missing a few prenatal vitamins, and gave up wine for nine months, ... so he could do this?!”
His mom is probably not a big fan of this video.
I don’t like the Porsche 911 because I see it everywhere and specifically because it’s so good.
Definitely. None of this checks out. Animal jumps on a car? Weird, but maybe a freak thing. Animal known for dressing like a bandit jumps on a police car? Definitely part of a devious plan.
I don’t want to prejudge, but I think Petty may turn out to be a better racer than student of history.
This is a very fair point. I think of it often, as my particular car and color combo is the only I’ve seen in my area.
Yes! Sorry - I posted the same thing before looking down to see that someone else had already reached this same conclusion.
Seeing this from above really hammers home two points for me: (1) Texans have way too many black cars — it’s hot people! (2) people need to buy cars with colors again (but not the earth tones of the 70's and 80's).
Awesome. Understated, capable, utilitarian. Awesome.
Actually, Shelby owns the GT350 mark, and it looks like he does license it out to various replica-makers. Check out Revology’s website. Thus, assuming the replicas you have seen are not licensed, he has a basis to ask them to stop. Who knows if he would, but he did previously try (and fail) to trademark the actual…
Oh, duh. Well played.
Yup — I mostly do patent litigation, but have also handled my share of trademark disputes. The measuring stick for trademark infringement is likelihood of confusion. Thus a disclaimer certainly can’t hurt, but is often not enough. Especially here, given that the disclaimer is only visible on the webpage, I can’t see…
“I would have hoped a lawyer would no the correct use of ‘there’.”