
I’m assuming that kid wasn’t the owner. That said, unlike those videos of people recklessly driving a ZR1 or a Hellcat, where the owners are rightfully pissed, my assumption is, if the owner found out, they’d think “good, glad someone was enjoying it.”

I’d seen that before, but just rewatched it. Love that video. I straight up hated the Mondial when I was little, because like most kids of my generation, I loved the 308, and the Mondial looked like a 308 viewed through a funhouse mirror or like the ugly sibling (pick your metaphor). But this video, which I watched

I think this has gone far enough. Let’s all agree that Alf can run over whomever he wants. It’s just easier this way.

I can’t believe you would bring my incontinence into this.

Holy shit that went off the rails in a way I did not suspect it would. I was really just kidding around in my last post ... but, okay.

Yeah ... no, you lost me there. I think you may want to check out that courtesy honk after all.

But I will say that that dude with the hatchet made me question my normal position a bit. Because, wow — that’s old school.


There’s something missing in this sequence of events. Something tells me that more than “wipe that smile off your face” was said, and the shove was because of that something more. It doesn’t make any of this okay, mind you. But the sequence of events as reported here just doesn’t add up in my opinion.

(Before you all go crazy, I know it’s got billionaire doors.)

But how do the doors open?

Before any of you go trying to justify that price, let me rustle up some pictures of what my (relatively tame, my wife tells me) kids have done to my A4 Avant.

I don’t know what I hate more, this truly terrible category of BMWs, or the fact that they had the audacity to misuse the term “GT” in their attempt to make them seem less awful.

A masterpiece. Loved the braking mechanism.

I have to say, it’s also sort of sad how many additional hat tips it seemed that Andretti motorsport felt compelled to lace into this otherwise simple message. Sure, patriots are great. And of course, we respect service men and women and I am glad to see that Andretti Autosports does too. But honestly, what does

You know Kimi was game for this too, because he doesn’t do stunts. Proving yet again that he is unusal in his ability to stay grounded in this sport — the ice cream incident also comes to mind.

Yes! I was going to say that too. I’m sure this is just the first of many pot shots that the EU will be making going forward.

That wood looks like it’s been finished with a high gloss varnish or poly-u though, and what I responded so much to in the limited-edition above was that it was a more natural matte finish. I wonder if that might just be the way they lit and photoshopped the shot of the wood trim package, though.

They say geniuses pick green.

It’s weird, but with those wheels, at first, my brain just could NOT see this as anything other than a green 987 Cayman. That’s not an insult, by the way (I love 987 Caymans), just an observation.