
Never mind my last post — I realize that whatever pending policies are put in place will likely not matter given the lead times we’re talking about here. I agree with others here though — unless that BMW looks better when it reaches our shores, I expect that the (still rather unfortunate looking) Model 3 will have no

230 is pretty impressive for this thing. Not sure what it proves though.

My understanding is that top speed is limited by wind resistance, not weight. And, though it’s a bit more complicated than this, wind resistance is proportional to the frontal area. This is big and boxy. Hence, you need a lot of horsepower to get it up to 230.

Huh? Unless this is some joke I’m not getting, it clearly has one, right?

Same thought I had. Still not sold on some of its lines towards the back, but it’s mean enough in this form that you just stop thinking that way.

Guessing here, but I chalk it up to the same instincts that caused humans to discover at some point that farts are flammable.

That’s a tough one. From experience, I think the problem is your budget is too high. I find my choices to be much easier.

That’s cool. But I’ve realized something about myself when it comes to engine notes. I’m pretty easy to please — the regular start was fine with me.

I don’t begrudge him his own taste; I just don’t agree with it. It’s not like I peeked in his garage, saw this thing, and then proceeded to ring his doorbell to tell him I think he has lousy taste. I’m commenting on an article whose conclusion is “Just look at this thing. We as humans are too weak to resist its

I am definitely not. That said, I don’t recall that the topic of ride height has ever come up at any of the parties I’ve been to either ....

I love the dog’s reaction. My old dog was endlessly suspicious of the vacuum cleaner, pumps, and basically anything else that made a weird hissing noise. This validates her suspicious entirely, and I can’ just imagine that dog saying in its head “never again, never again, never again, I knew that thing was

Well call me superhuman then, I guess. I’ll resist that thing’s lure all day, every day, until the minute he un-fucks-it-up by giving it a reasonable ride height. As far as I’m concerned, he might as well bolt a big aluminum wing on the trunk until he does.

So that’s what a mid-engined Vette could have been like!

All you need to do is modify this to have have the dog owner calmly pull out a gun, say “want some fuck-o?” and then pistol whip him like that scene in Goodfellas, and .... there’s your next Mustang / Camaro / Vette / Charger commercial.

It is cool. On the other hand, as the next generation becomes more and more disinterested in driving, I’d like to think perhaps auto racing would take on more of a quaint old-school tradition, and perhaps return to what prevailed in the 90's.

Swinging a cast-covered arm, she’ll be even meaner next time. Downright dangerous, I’d wager.

I’m fine with the Bugatti mods.

Seems to me that the problem with a lifetime warranty (other than the fact that there’s no way it can be covering everything, right) is that, psychologically, it’s bound to only matter to someone if they can see themselves never wanting to get rid of the car. But this thing is at best so vanilla, and at worst, so

True. It’s really “for all we know, their chassis is really quite good.” You could say the same for last year’s chassis. I can’t understand how Honda keeps screwing this up so badly. I actually feel terrible for them, because I can only imagine how much pressure those engineers must be putting on themselves, and

It’s not the worst call you could receive. Since this is all for show anyway, I’d sort of like it if they’d put him out there with one of their old V10 cars, and just act like nothing was happening. “No, I don’t hear any difference — sounds like the others to me. Maybe you’ve got an earwax problem?”