
Other than the obvious danger, I must say, picturing a self-driving car just blasting through a red light really makes me laugh. I picture the computer saying: “Fuck it, I’m not stopping. I’m a way better driver than these assholes. Watch me thread this needle.”

True — I should clarify that in the right body (for me, that’s the LP400 S or LP500 S (I believe the above is a standard LP400)), and with a wing, it’d be great in any color. I’m partial to red, with black following close behind, but in the Countach, I’d be happy with most anything.

That second picture proves it all — compare the yellow to the red, and if you like yellow better, ... wrong.

Sweet Geo that is beautiful!

Before the mob attacks, and then the vultures descend to feast on my entrails, I’ll add to that that I don’t dislike yellow on Ferraris. Hell, like anything beautiful, Ferraris can pull off a number of looks. For instance, the F40 below is beautiful. BUT! BUT! That doesn’t mean it’s the correct color, because ...

Oh man, I love the Countach, but that thing just looks terrible in that bodystyle, without the spoiler, and in yellow.

True, yellow is a fine color. However, you are forgetting one thing. It is a matter of settled fact that the only correct choice for a Ferrari is red. Don’t feel bad though. This story proves that even Ferrari gets that wrong sometimes.

If only.

Like refinishing antique furniture, once you’ve done so, you better aim to keep it.

Yeah — though I normally go for understated in interiors, I don’t think this is bad at all. Hands down, this is better looking (to me) than the awful bright red leather option you find in so many M cars. Man, I hate that look.

Well, this just satisfied whatever latent curiosity I had about whether Bugatti could make other forms of transportation look as hideous as their relentlessly ugly cars.

Yes! I had the same little chuckle to myself on that ironic double-entendre.

Yup, so dumb, I just stopped reading mid-story and came down here to post this.

This is the car equivalent of breast implants.

Makes no sense to me. Buy an older 911, spend an unholy fortune getting it refurbished in every possible way and tuned (if that is your thing) to unnecessarily high horsepower numbers, and you’ll have a real Porsche that can do all this, but at far less money and with a far better story. This is just for people who

I hate the exhaust pipe — ruins the view from the rear for me.

Thanks for the insight. As I said, I figured that was probably something they thought through, and it looks like they have.

Does seem like this is just going to invite airstrikes though, right? I guess they must have thought that through though.

Or, wow, Johnny 5. Knew that looked wrong.

Yup! Came here for these exact two posts. Also, we need to worry about lightning — remember Johnie 5.