This is the automotive equivalent of having a 16" penis and deciding to get it enlarged to 48".
This is the automotive equivalent of having a 16" penis and deciding to get it enlarged to 48".
Could not agree more. That is the first thing I thought too. And definitely more 350z than 370z. A lot of people have pointed out that the lines of the 350z have some similarities to the 911 though, so that makes sense.
What was he driving? My guess from the sound was a Subura WRX, but I would like to know. I agree with others — Volvos are a more traditional ride for avoiding moose, but the engine sounded like a Subaru to me.
Just because it still looks good in another color doesn’t mean it’s not the wrong color.
Agreed, as long as “wrongest” includes all colors other than red. I’ve successfully taught this to my son as well (who also will never have a Ferrari, but still). We saw a white F12 recently, and he said “awesome! it’s white, but it doesn’t matter, because you could just get it painted red.” Proud. I was proud.
Man that is hard to look at.
One of the biggest issues for me is how the lights on the new one bend around the corner of the face so that they become a bit droopy looking toward their bottom outside corners. Before, they were angled in, so that they looked more like alert and determined eyes. Now they sort of look like it’s pulled some long…
But it would be a troubling sign if it didn’t look a little sad after having tried to run over so many of its admiring bystanders, right?
I’ll bite — I still get a laugh out of it. Proceed.
Disagree. To me, it’s a pretty lazy attempt to fill out the grill in a way that’s not totally obvious, yet easy to to on CAD and then injection mold. I am really growing tired of “luxury” being defined by fake metallic accents everywhere. I guess I think that faux carbon fiber accents are even more ridiculous, but…
Never thought I’d hear someone on jalopnik say that they don’t own a car. There’s a first time for everything, I guess.
Oh man, there’s a 100% chance of regrets on this one. Even if he doesn’t get in any worse trouble over this, you’d better believe I’d pay a lot more than $128 to erase a story of me publicly calling a cop “Officer dipshit.” That’s going to come back to bite him.
No, not exactly. I’m sure that was the main disease that the ad was alluding to, but the ad is not real — it was from the movie Crazy People.
I get your thesis, and agree in general that the headlights are the eyes of the car. But now that I have come to know what Lightning McQueen looks like, I don’t like you screwing around with his face. It’s messing with my head.
Entirely true. In truth, I’m just lamenting the fact that an appreciable portion of car buyers seem unconcerned with driving, and would gladly welcome a car with no visibility that could drive itself as long as it allowed them to keep their eyes glued to their phones for the entire ride.
I never tire of the predator jokes. Such an apt comparison, I’m truly disappointed in myself for not realizing that the Lexus grills reminded me of them before someone here pointed it out.
That, however, assumes the driver is even looking. Just yesterday a lady cruised down my street with her head down. In a neighborhood. With snowy roads. Where children had been sledding just 10 minutes earlier. Visibility only helps if you use it.
My lord — “lower-capital.” I give up.
Sorry, that was supposed to be lower-capital t turbos (and no apostrophe, obviously). Point is, I have no problem with adding turbos to the engine, other than the confusion it causes in the lineup.