
I don’t have a problem with the Turbo’s per se, though I think they solved a problem that just didn’t exist (especially given that turbos generally get worse mileage if you tend to romp on them, which, come on, you’re going to do every time in a 911). But now that they’re adding a turbo onto the GTS, and giving the

No wonder sedan sales are down. There is nothing exciting about this thing. Hell, it’s so long I was expecting a third set of doors. And, come on — when you’re selling it with a device up front designed to take attention away from the windshield (largest ever color screen (though I don’t understand that claim, as

File this with the long list of other almost-there cars that have the horsepower and looks, but then fail to follow through with the whole package and become big disappointments — the Q50 comes to mind here.

Me too — really liked the look, and it reminded me favorably of the old Corollas, old Ford Escort rally cars, etc. But $25k is a lot to plunk down on a car that has this many question marks.

That was great. I knew I was going to see him go in, but I didn’t realize he’d do so by totally shanking his swing and then taking a digger. I assume he got out alright....

As a lawyer, I’m betting they’ll use the “operable” and “driveable” definition to at least make him put back anything needed to pass a state inspection, which I would guess would include the driver’s seat, airbags, doors, headlights, and probably a whole crapload of other stuff I’m not thinking of. This is one of

Not sure I understand the appeal of that last stunt. Crash it into a perfectly good tree, and then what — figure out how the hell to drag it back out of the woods so it doesn’t sit there for the remainder of its life dripping oil and gas into your farm field? Then again, there’s obviously not a ton of thought going

Depending on the day, I’m either disappointed or proud of myself for being in the place where I truly know I wouldn’t want one of these anymore even if I could afford it. Not that I’m a model of self-deprivation or anything. It’s just, like many of the posters here, I’m in that place where a 911 or a gray/saddle C7

Oops — I meant to say “In short, it’s an ad campaign that makes Lincoln’s likely buyers feel unwanted by the brand they want.”

Agree wholeheartedly. Also, while I know the whole point is that they want to open themselves to people who traditionally didn’t buy Lincolns, I think it’s a major oversight for them to be exclusively marketing it to those people in this particular shoot. First of all, I don’t see any of these people buying a huge,

Perfect color, for what it is.

In my experience — and it’s not even M car experience, but just regular 328xi experience — the extended warranty is simply a minor obstacle for the BMW service reps. Unfortunately, even when there is a clear problem, they’ll often either claim not to be unable to replicate it, or that it’s something much less

Seems like some pretty basic logic ripped right from my car’s sunroof controller could have prevented 166 of these crushes.

But the roar of engine is what lets the Cars and Coffee goers know to start diving into the bushes. (I know this joke would work better if this were about an all-electric Mustang, but I’m working with what I’ve got).

I know, I know, it’s fast. But holy shit is that thing ugly.

I cannot believe that major car companies like Hyundai, Renault, and Suzuki who make safe vehicles for other parts of the world are willing to make a product this dangerous when they know exactly how to make them safer. It shows such an clear lack of concern for the safety of an entire population of people that it

I guess it’s confirmed then — I’m a fool, because I don’t like anything about that thing.

Also, 254.04 mph, you almost can’t even tell how god awful ugly it is too. Almost.

Me too. Not sure that doesn’t make me a bit of jerk as well. But I was smugly thinking back to my first aid training (in Boy Scouts of all places) and remember learning that you don’t risk move someone from the site of an accident because of the chance of harming their spinal cord if they have potentially broken

It is definitely not clear to me that this person is using their feet to steer. Obviously, one foot is on the pedals, and it seems to me that the other hand may well be holding the bottom of the wheel. In short, this is just another asshole not watching where they’re going (which is bad enough).