
Also looks like none of the people behind him have helmets — weird, right?

Sort of think you missed the point of my joke too though. I knew you weren’t being serious. I was just using your apt comparison as a jumping off point for noting that if the Bugatti’s got any resemblance to an Oldsmobile, then uh-oh.

This will help them sell more cars. Follow me here. Right now, you may be wary about getting a Tesla because you don’t want to get lulled into using the (not an) autopilot feature and end up running into a truck. But once the trucks are Teslas too, the trucks are liable to hit you even if you’re steering yourself.

Yes. The emperor has no clothes. And Bugattis are so ugly I am literally offended by them as a car lover. I mean, holy shit.

That is a close resemblance. Doesn’t make me like Bugatti any more though. Hell, who’s ever thought “this Oldsmobile is almost perfect, and I love the lights, but it just needs another 1400 horsepower and $1,975k of sticker price.”

Also, what’s the last car you saw with eight headlights? This baby:

For me, this thing (and it’s predecessor) is plainly hideous. That central grill is just so damned ugly, and with the hood lines running into it, it makes the face look like a giant mouse with a black nose and whiskers. No amount of horsepower can make me like this thing.

Also going to have to disagree. The margins on these specialty 911s have to be multiples higher than on base 911s or 911 s’s. Thus, catering to dick bags helps more “normal” people get “normal” models. Or so the math seems in my head. I don’t have the problem of being a “dick bag” or “normal” (in this context), so

For me, I no longer understand the point of the GT2 when the GT3 RS makes as much power as it does these days. While I’d personally be happy enough with a manual 991.1 S, there’s no way I’d drive the GT3 RS and think “eh, needs more power and less glorious exhaust note.”

Don’t judge me — in the 80's, it was all we had.

This is just a sign that you’ve got to revisit some of your (probably) favorite 80's action flicks. Do it sparingly, because you’ll see that this thing was a damned masterpiece by comparison. I made the mistake of rewatching Tango & Cash in college, which I think I first watched when I was like 8 years old. Holy shit.

In in the interest of full disclosure though, I should mention that I have not seen the second one. It rubbed me the wrong way that it was an entirely new character.

Come on. It wasn’t an Oscar contender, but to make a car analogy (which we sort of need to do, because ... why is this a post on Jalopnik?) it was sort of the new Camaro of international action movies to James Bond’s m3. Sure, the early James Bond movies and the older m3's were pretty simple at their roots, but in

This the most first-world-country way to geek out that I could possibly imagine.

I know. For me, it’s the car I compare all others to when it comes to looks. That said, I like the v8 even better, as I find the hood vents to slightly detract from the look. I’m pretty sure I could make peace with only 420 hp too. Maybe not so much the maintenance and repairs though.

Yup. Also, I sometimes like to think about what a serious point you could make if your children were acting up in the back seat of that thing. Now, the usual play is to find a spot to pull over and dramatically (but not recklessly) hit the brakes. But this thing gives you the option of putting them all in “holy shit!”

Yeah, but ... also before or after you drive there with your spouse, and three other passengers, and a trunkload of shit. Look, it’s an apples to oranges comparison, but you have to admit, the fact that the Tesla’s even getting compared to the 911 Turbo S is pretty astonishing.

There’s got to be some creative way to punish these people. Perhaps set a requirement that they get a certain number of points while running down a street against traffic? If they do it, they just have to surrender their license. If they don’t, they go to jail for a year? If they get hit by a car, they just get what

Just to represent the boring people who will probably, if they are ever so lucky, happily buy a 991 or a Cayman, I don’t love the looks of thing.

This looks so, so much better. I hate that electric-blue lines and the other “this is an electric car” cues that come on the standard.