You shouldn’t have put in the video. I’m frickin ready to have a 900 lb bear after watching that thing act like a king-size yellow lab. Though I’ll admit it would probably be irresponsible to have it around my 2 and 5 year old.
You shouldn’t have put in the video. I’m frickin ready to have a 900 lb bear after watching that thing act like a king-size yellow lab. Though I’ll admit it would probably be irresponsible to have it around my 2 and 5 year old.
I don’t see that it being covered by insurance has anything to do with it. If it could signal a problem that would undermine prospective customers’ confidence in the car, that is clearly material to whether the business will continue to succeed in the future, and thus clearly material to the value of the stock.
I got an Excursion as a loaner car one time from the BMW dealership (when they had instituted a policy of giving rentals, not loaners), and holy shit — I passed a school bus and was at eye level with the driver. It handled like I think a school bus would too. Unfortunately, it seated something like six.
No I didn’t. Fixed something that wasn’t broken if you ask me.
Actually, maybe that last part doesn’t make sense. This is making my head hurt, but I think the torsen would definitely give a minor effect of goosing the rear-wheels before takeoff, which would give it a bit of nose up. But, with my head smoking right now, I think maybe having torque on the front wheels would still…
Anyone else wondering why it got so damned hot in Minnesota that the highway buckled (especially if this video is recent, though I have my doubts given the VHS looking quality)? I’m thinking it’s got to be something else going on under there — a busted water pipe making the soil expand or something else like that.…
I also don’t know, but my suspicion is that it had to do with the torsen differential. As the front lifted off, the front wheels would have no traction, which would make the torsen immediately push more torque to the rear. That would not only have a minor effect similar to accelerating in a rear-wheel drive car (which…
I’ll agree that I’m not a huge fan of BMW’s newest design language, and particularly don’t like all the new coupe-sedans, sedan-coupes, and especially the GTs. However, I definitely think that the main models of BMW and MB (e.g., standard 3 series, standard C class) are gentle evolutions of looks that people have…
I know that their cars are supposed to drive very well. However, I think their popularity issues can be attributed to a couple of things.
“Design boss Thomas Ingenlath and his crew used very clean lines to make it look sleek and elegant, going quite a bit bolder at the rear to make sure you take notice of this one on the road.”
Correction: “Pretty sure you couldn’t manage a regular hoverboard under the influence . . .”
Guess we’ll start seeing HBUIs now. Pretty sure you couldn’t manage one for very long under the influence, but this thing could definitely be piloted sans balance.
Damn! Didn’t see the above because it was grayed out.
Nah — you’ll burn yourself with the hot grease. Learned that one watching The Office.
Looks sort of sad too, right?
I see what you’re saying — find someone who recently purchased one, fixed it up, and is trying to offload it, and buy it fixed for a little over $15k? (And then swing by the yoga studio?)
And, to be fair, that only matters if you like your neighbors.
Yup — my first car was a Dodge Shadow ES. I mean, it was my shitbox and all, but it was a total shitbox. And that thing was a damned supermodel next to a LeBaron.
I’m sure it wasn’t the worst, but I was surprised at the vitriol I managed to arouse with a simple comment about a mustang owner who botched his exit from a C&C meet and t-boned another car waiting to turn left. Again, not the worst, I’m sure, but it definitely caught me off guard:…
Yes! That is why I didn’t like the side view. It reminded me too much of an Evora. Not that I don’t like the Evora. But I definitely wouldn’t want to customize my 458 to look like one. Then again, the purchaser is British, so perhaps it was just his true desires bubbling up to the surface?