
Brilliant. I can’t believe I didn’t think of that when I was doing my “what if” a moment ago.

I like the front-side view best. From the side, I definitely don’t see it as an improvement over the stock design. Also, for me (why I say that, I don’t know, as I am not in the market for a Ferrari of any kind, much less a custom one-off), I’d delete the tricolor racing stripe — like anyone is having trouble

Yes! I was seeing that too, but just couldn’t put my finger on what car it was reminding me of until you said so.

This could turn into a surprising case of gentrification working for the people it displaces. The money came in, made a lot of nice new buildings, and then the bottom of the market dropped out, leaving nice new affordable buildings for whoever doesn’t have the luxury of being choosy.

Somehow, I kind of instinctively looked the other way when the picture of the LeBaron came up, so where you lost me was when you stated that the 2006 GTO had “looks to kill.” Was it awful? No, of course not. But “looks to kill” is overboard even in this list.

Awesome! I can’t have been the only person secretly feeling like their lineup was getting awfully thin.

What is the envisioned use though? This isn’t going to glow so much that you don’t need street lights and headlights, so why not just have the reflective line material (or the reflectors), right?

Perhaps, but they apparently have shit brakes.

Pretty sure this thing was featured on an episode of Pawn Stars.

Sucks on looks, that is.

Didn’t convince me. That thing still sucks. But then, I don’t really want what it’s selling anyway. Split that big bastard into two cars that scratch both of my itches, and I’ll find a way to park the second one.

Any word on whether they will get rid of the ridiculous themey electric blue stripe and just make it look like a car? I hate when automakers deliberately do things like that so that people won’t buy a new technology for traditional reasons (e.g., because they drive well and look good).

Prediction — in about three months we start seeing videos of people overcooking it in tuned versions of these things. That Miata chassis has been designed to let the tail loose just enough with the NA engine, so anything more will be just a bit too much.

No way that they won’t figure out how to get that much with a simple tune, though, right?

Query whether the most dangerous part of this was the McDonald’s and the cigarette, or that he was doing it while rallying.

Impressive. Foolish. But impressive.

By the way — before everyone gets all pissed, I’m not saying that they should be liable. Just that I’m offended by their decision to enter this public discussion with a stupid argument when silence would be a far better option.

Snapchat needs to have good enough sense not to make a public statement on this. They really think anyone is buying that this speed filter has a use outside of speeding? I want people to see I’m running 6 mph? Really? The warning “please do not snap and drive” is as silly as putting a warning on a gun saying “please

Oh man — and that thing still isn’t cool. It’s the most convincing argument for bicycles I’ve ever seen.

I can’t condone these knock-offs. Somewhere out there, a little kid is seeing this, subtly recognizing that some of the proportions are a bit off, and concluding, incorrectly, that Ferraris really aren’t that beautiful after all. That is, without exaggerating, a travesty.