
Reliable or not, I’ll never get another BMW CPO, because the issue there is not whether you’ll need the coverage, it’s whether they’ll actually give it to you. You pointed to the motivation — “these companies start to lose a little of their extra profits when it’s time to pay out claims associated with all these

Einstein: “Unbelievable. Not only did I pull that stunt in ‘85, I can tell you exactly what the future is going to be. Whatever, F it, I’m over it.”

Great picture, and a great sentiment. But to be honest, I just can’t get fully comfortable with it written below a neon green McLaren instead of a classic, red Ferrari.

I know! I loved that — forward isn’t working for some damned reason I’ll never understand (couldn’t be because I’m floating), but I’m sure backwards will work.

That’s pretty funny. People will try anything. At this stage of the game, just for the sake of proving a point, I’d like them to allow one guy to just ride a full blown motorcycle, but they’d all have to act like he was winning legitimately.

Yeah.... but, with an F12?

And, again, I haven’t done what this guy did, and my point actually was that very few of us could really say we’d “never done anything reckless.” I think the takeaway here, both in posting and in driving, is that sometimes things come out different than we had intended. Like your first post, apparently.

Trump? Is that you?

Rhetorical question: Where does responding to a general point (e.g., that we’ve all done something stupid that could have turned out worse (not this exact thing, but something)) by invoking genitalia size fall on the spectrum between asinine and intelligent?

This comment is not convincing anyone that you’re the model of restraint.

I defer to you on that one. Again, I’ve never had an RWD car, much less one with enough power to do this. I was making a more general observation that, if we’re honest, we’ve probably all done something stupid that could have turned out worse than it did.

That’s actually my point. I like to think I would never do anything this stupid nowadays. And I never had the car to do anything this stupid in my youth. But I also can admit that I’ve not obeyed every speed limit, I’ve taken turns a bit fast at times, and, while I’m always trying to keep things safe, nothing’s 100%,

And, of course, you are right about the “boys will be boys” part. I don’t offer that as an excuse at all, but an observation that ... of course this was a guy, and he was displaying the same instincts as my five year old son. If I had seen a woman get out of that car, I’d be checking to see if gravity still works.

Okay, okay! My point allowed for some shades of gray, but I see we’re not in the mood.

To be fair, I don’t — my car can’t even peel out. I’m just saying that if you can honestly say you’ve never had an oh shit that was close moment, I’d be very, very surprised indeed.

Seriously. Just knock on wood. You’re playing with fire.

Totally agreed on what we should always do. But then there’s the risks we’ve all (once or twice) actually run. Point is, all of us have learned our limitations the hard way at least once. Not necessarily with a car, but ... knock on wood.

Or maybe, more succinctly, let’s say this: if you can honestly say that would never happen to you without reaching to knock on the nearest piece of wood, well, then I wager you aren’t reading this blog.

Man. I know there’s any number of takeaways here, but mine is this. There’s a part of us (men, that is) that never grows up. I suppose that could have been me any number of times if I didn’t have an underpowered car and better luck. That’s just a crappy day that we can all enjoy laughing about because it wasn’t us,

Agreed. This display of conspicuous consumption (and destruction) of something that the vast majority of people will never even afford is hardly a political statement, much less one worth praising. These guys were just beating up their cars because they could, and because they thought it would make a good story.