
I cut the cord and watched CBC’s Olympic coverage via VPN, since they’ll post the entire event online whereas NBC requires you to have a cable provider for its online coverage.

The Canadian team prattled on about Ledecká’s background story until 15 seconds left in the run when they realized what she was doing and

I am a bit embarrassed to have to spell this out so directly but maintaining separation between sales and editorial is a foundational tenet of journalistic ethics.

Either ESPN is a news-gathering operation or not. If ESPN bills themselves as a news organization - which, for the record, they do - then advertising concerns dictating editorial content is a fundamental breach of the ethics of professional journalism. A newsroom is not “any other business.”

do you not know about reporting? it’s not acceptable if ESPN wants to retain credibility as a sports news outlet.

Doesn’t matter. Sponsors shouldn’t dictate content unless it’s a clearly marked sponsored post.

The “bad thing” is the journalism branch of a company, and the advertising branch, are supposed to operate independently of each other

Or, and I know this is wild, don’t let sponsors dictate your writing. I’m sure Amazon isn’t happy with a lot of the coverage that happens on GMG considering they advertise here, but thankfully sales and editorial here are separate like they should be.

Uh yeah, unless you’re fine with multimillion dollar corporations dictating the news to you.

you mean the bob competition?

So the story says...

The female skater pretending to be blind while her partner shows her the world was a nice follow-up. Her hand blackface but for blind people.

She wouldn’t be competing if the IOC had balls.

How does NBC both delay it enough for this to happen, and not edit out the F-bombs?

I know it’s not your fault that NBC blows, but I hate that you, NBC, WaPo, AP and others spoiled an event that people were in the process of watching.

You have a very narrow definition of sport if “defense” is the only requirement. Even if that’s the weird stance you want to take, then curling counts because you can defend by positioning your stone to block the opponent from hitting a reaching a particular spot.

Woah, I missed the election where we picked the Final Arbiter of Sports.

The incongruousness makes it great though. In order to accurately shoot the very small targets, you have to control your heartbeat and breathing, which is extremely difficult because you’re winded know...freaking cross country skiing for a bit. 

My reaction when I first heard of curling: “What cold, drunk person come up with this?” Not surprised at all when someone answered “the Scots!”

I used to make fun of Curling but then my college roomies and I got high and spent an entire weekend watching Curling and now I know a lot about Curling and I really like Curling.

Because Pence claims to be a “conversion therapy” “success story”, yet continually spreads the hate against those who are unwilling to be tortured into rethinking anything like he did.