
She really dropped the ball by not yelling out “Later Gator!” as she walked off.

but why is it called “King of Prussia”?

And the Magic Kingdom educational vacation?

Some other kids are just annoying pissants.

Some babies are just good, you can take them anywhere and they sleep when you put them down and they giggle all the time and when dad has to grab the Lombardi trophy you can hand them off to their boss without worrying if they’ll thrown a scream fit. Clearly this is one of those babies.


This tale is as thrilling and entertaining as marriage itself.


But are you still married to each other?

My wife and I were married in October 2005. Not having a lot of money, we weren’t able to do an extravagant honeymoon. We wanted to go to the Southeast, but if you remember 2005 you’ll remember the entire region was ravaged by hurricanes. We thought about going to the Northeast, but there was an unseasonable

The KOP MALL was not built in the 60s. You’re thinking of the King of Prussia PLAZA, the original building on the site. Most of the mall now consists of the completely rebuilt plaza (90s), the Court at King of Prussia (80s), and newer buildings. I grew up going to the KOP Plaza and the current mall is nothing like it.

so like a group of 75 y/o women who don’t know anything about football should get a brief synopsis of what is being questioned, they look at a replay and decide within 2 minutes?

As a Pats fan, I really wanted both of these to look dicey on replay. As a human being with functioning eyes and brain, both of them were unquestionably catches. The broadcasting crew seemed to want to create drama, but (and this is especially true with the Ertz play), those plays resulted in catches by any measure.

Nah, you score. And the way he was running, it would have been nearly impossible to stop on a dime and get down at the one. The Eagles have a good pass rush, and you have to trust them to make a play eventually. That kind of thinking is “playing not to lose” nonsense that most teams get crushed for facing the Pats.

Why not have a cup of coffee too? Nobody thinks like that. He wanted to score.

I legitimately thought they might try to say Brady’s arm was moving forward and rule the strip an incomplete pass.

I hope Deadspin has a huge international following. I feel like so many questions from our 2016 presidential election can be answered by these various celebration videos.

That’s still a step up from scrapple.

Yeah, Collinsworth was absolutely terrible this game. He had a storyline scripted in his head, and he couldn’t quite catch up with reality.

Where the hell do you think the commemorative Super Bowl coins are coming from?