The best part of capitalism is when shitheads accidentally waste their money in the funniest of ways.
The best part of capitalism is when shitheads accidentally waste their money in the funniest of ways.
Nah, you miss the point. They can have their own email address whenever they want, but they are unaware of the collection of annual “you’re my kid and you’re awesome and I love you and you’ll do great things and here’s what you did when you were age X” emails until they’re off to college.
When you strip away all the heritage bullshit, what’s left is the battle flag of a traitor army that fought for slavery.
“It’s about heritage!”*
Solid work, South Carolina.
Peter Sagan is one of the greatest cyclists in the world which means this is a huge bike race. It would be impossible to not know it was going on in your neighborhood. This person crossing the street is just an inconsiderate moron.
Then again, I had a muddy off leash dog chasing me on a run today even though it and its owner were literally 60 feet from a dog park but they were playing fetch just near the running trail and the dog clearly had no ability to obey commands, Dog owners(not dogs) are just as insufferable and entitled as cyclists. Dogs…
Good god you sound like a twat. Yes you have to share the road with cyclist and yes it’s your responsibility to be cognizant of your surroundings when you drive. Go road rage somewhere else about 3 mins added on to your commute because you had to wait to safely pass a cyclist on the road you douche nozel.
Uh, how long do you think bike races are? This one was super short and “only” 6 miles long, but most stages run upwards of 120 miles. Do you really think that bike races should have physical barriers all 6 miles (or god forbid all 120 miles)?
Wow LOL at pretentious puppeteers thinking the most iconic and successful way to puppeteer is “wrong” because it doesn’t look “natural” enough.
In a debate between cyclists and dog owners about entitlement to public space, who would be the most insufferable? Whichever one is a vegan and/or crossfitter, I assume.
Agreed. My friend’s son was a Muppet/Sesame fanatic. He called himself Ernie and his mom Bert. He took his “guys” (all his Muppet toys) to every hospital visit while he was treated for a brain tumor. We played “Saying Goodbye” at his funeral. Bert & Ernie are absolutely Muppets.
No, nannies aren’t offensive. What is offensive is assuming that a woman is a nanny when it’s much more likely that she’s the mother of the children she’s caring for. Especially since most people assuming she’s the nanny are doing so because she’s Asian. If she was a white woman, most people would have assumed she was…
Love Kerry’s face as his wife comes sliding at mach 1. It’s pretty much the look of yes, its official: every member of my family has now embarrassed me during this video call
I’m amazed at the speed of the 2nd one. 35, 40 mph??
First kid comes in with Swag Level on Expert.
“but not exactly egregious or abnormal for a 19-year-old kid.”
Counterpoint: it’s is quite literally abnormal.
How is it possible you and all the other similar responses live in 2017, have the Internet, and still believe it is possible to swallow your tongue?
Yup. I’m hiding under my blanket all embarrassed for the strangers on the tv, and there’s this Horowitz dude handling the whole thing so well. I was impressed. I didn’t see any spitting. wtf.