So it basically says “If the Americans didn’t have all that talent and fan support, they wouldn’t have won that game”.
So it basically says “If the Americans didn’t have all that talent and fan support, they wouldn’t have won that game”.
In Australia, their tears stream the opposite direction.
I mean using this logic, you can say that those breaking unjust laws during the civil rights movement deserved punishment. Even much of the white judiciary wouldn’t (and didn’t) agree with you on that one. That women in Saudi Arabia should be punished for their rapes, since it IS illegal to be in public in the company…
High and driving? Treat them like drunk drivers, maybe a little moreso if necessary. Because bad and dangerous.
I never said that we should ignore people doing illegal things. But in this case, the punishment she would have faced was way too extreme. I don’t believe its moral or just to use excessive punishment on a non-violent, minor offender just because those are the laws in place. In this particular instance, it was better…
Yes, because there’s quite a few “illegal” things and most of them don’t make one an awful human being. Teenagers make mistakes. Punishing them for them for literally the rest of their lives is absurd.
(Editor’s Note: If you think she deserved to have her life ruined on account of some weed, do us all a favor and go fuck yourself)
ugh, for the third time... the US does not have a worse infant mortality rate. They just count extremely premature births where the baby only lives a few days as live births, and other countries count them as miscarriages.
To be fair, my kids are the oldest of the group, a mom invited me because she thought I would be a good resource as a more experienced mom. But I find myself thinking these new babymamas whine a lot and believe in dumb stuff like placenta eating. I stick with it because I am interested in seeing what happens when…
This is my story as well, except I didn’t even bother pumping and struggling with the breastfeeding after 3 months of it taking up all my goddamn time. I was shocked at how happy I was and how much I loved being a mom after I gave up all the stuff that wasn’t working for us.
my personal rule of thumb: If it comes out of one end, you shouldn’t shove it into another.
Amen, sister, children need to be loved and taken care of to the bestnof the mom’s ability. The bottle works just as fine and you bond with your kid just as well. (says a mom who chose to have an epidural and doesn’t regret it for a second).
I looked into trying a natural birth, but guess whos’s water broke at 3 am after 3 hours of sleep? I wouldn’t have been able to do 12 more hours and another hour and a half of pushing on no sleep. It would have been ridiculous to try without an epidural and probably would have been more stressful for the baby. No…
Yeah... animals eat their placenta because otherwise there would be a rotting organ laying around their babies. You know, they get rid of it in the best way they can. Same with the babies’ poop and vomit. Luckily, we have the ability to carry ours to a disposal method other than ingestion.
that the placenta had to be eaten right after birth, completely, in its entirety, and that it couldn’t be stored or heated,
May I also just add that while I respect a woman’s wishes to birth however they want to (well, mostly. Like do not give birth in a tree house or the ocean, etc.) I for one was not at all like “GIVE ME ALL THE ‘NATURAL’ PAIN! I WANT IT. BRING ON THE PAIN! YAY!” I was one of the two out of 18-20 women in my prenatal…
This makes sense. I knew I was very high risk for postpartum depression so when I read these studies promoting the benefits of encapsulating the placenta I was all on board. It was pretty disappointing when I still got hit with a very severe case of PPD. So one less thing to blame my body for failing at. Woohoo!
There is a very self-righteous busybody in my facebook mom group that dedicated her life to bragging about eating the placenta, even shaming us that did not bother with that nonsense. I am sure this will mean nothing to her, but I’m all like haha lady, you are a fool.
Yeah, normally when I read about January Jones, I think to myself, “gee whiz that’s swell.” and move on with my life.
I’ve said this before, but obviously it needs saying again. Placentas act as a filter for the baby. A filter for bacteria, for substances that could harm a fetus, for basically a LOT of things that will not help your baby thrive.