"To my luck, I had been found, and the dropped curtains expose me like a dipped spoon pulling out ice cream, as if some possessed measure deterred me from the punishment."
"To my luck, I had been found, and the dropped curtains expose me like a dipped spoon pulling out ice cream, as if some possessed measure deterred me from the punishment."
The worst part is that he's SO serious. As in submitting things to get actually published and then saying on Facebook that "even the Great Gatsby was rejected for 5 years." Totes the same thing.
This dude can't be serious.
My husband said I'm so mean for doing this, but I can't help it, everyone seemed to enjoy it so much last week. Bad Writer Facebook Friend posted this on Facebook:
Our school has an an Honor Code. When you apply to our school, if you are found in violation of the Honor Code, you are booted out, no questions asked. I'm sure that many universities have similar code.
The problem is that they were caught on camera they were not expelled for being racist they were expelled because they were caught on camera, please especially if you are white do not start with that racism is taken more seriously than rape or sexism because that is not true.
What if he also took hair from her hair brush and hair from his hair brush every day. At the end of the year he comingled the purloined brush fashioning creepy doll baby and presented it too her at the time of the proposal as their first born child?
They should have to take off time from work with no pay, drive 100 miles, walk through a gauntlet of people screaming at you, get a trans-whatever wand shoved inside them, cross the gauntlet again, spend the night in a Super8 motel, and repeat the next day. THEN they can sign the form.
Why couldn't he just take a picture with each day's newspaper, like the serial killer stalker abductor that he is?
Jesus Christ, if we require women to sign a waiver before getting an abortion, things jackasses can fill out a two page form to be exempt from birth control.
Ex Cops made a Facebook post. McDonald's responded. Rolling Stone contacted both and Ex Cops answered Rolling Stone's questions. Seems reasonable.
Ex Cops simply stated on their Facebook page what McDonald's tried to do and explained what they thought of it. It's not like they're suing McD's or asking for a boycott. "Mcdonald's put the terms in front of them." and Ex Cops told everyone about it. If "No one is entitled to anything." why is McDonald's entitled…
And it's not okay for same-sex couples to adopt either. Better to hand the already troubled kids over to a rapist.
But he gave them teddy bears, so he was being the best dad ever. They just weren't being grateful enough.
oh, yeah, it's totally fine to get rid of two living, breathing, bonded siblings, ages three and six years old, but it's not OK to have an abortion.
I love that these Christians are the same ones telling women that they should all want to be mothers, to all the children, no matter what, no exceptions, so abortion should be illegal and in-accessible. "We'll adopt your children if you don't want them! Just save the precious children lives!"
Yeah... dudes, it works like that... If you abandon your kids, you SHOULD worry about abandonment charges. You're supposed to be afraid of witch-hunts when you're a witch.
This is a whole new level of insane, because it seems like in his mind, he's a victim of the media for reporting this, but also a victim of these two girls, which is of course not true.
yes! I knew she was my daughter from the second I met her at the foster home, that I'd fight with my all for her benefit. Giving up is not an option. These piles of garbage who give away kids that they made a promise to should just stick to plants.
I'm an adoptive mom. When my kid was going through issues you know what I was doing? I was looking in to temporary residential care or other programs to help treat my child, not removing her from the family. My DHS was supportive, they know her behavior warranted the discussion. Thankfully we found counseling and…