
Twenty minutes this has been live and there’s this few comments?

Slow roasted over a garbage fire for about an hour per pound!

Yeah, bigotry and racism haven’t been eliminated, last I checked.

God, I hope you’re right.

I really dug listening to Lore on long drives to California or something, but after a point it felt like every other episode was about some kind of little, magical person. “This one lives in trees!” “This one is a little, tiny scamp who lives in the snow!”

A couple years back I got a chance to interview the director of that movie and he’s the nicest goddamned man in the world. Just super excited to talk about movies.

Seeing it this week!

I just wanted to say that I really, really hate this guy and his stupid face.

I’d never heard of By Dawn’s Early Light until now. What a cast!!

I’ll never, ever watch it again. Amazing film, but... once was enough.

Make it a weekend, throw in some Miracle Mile for good measure.

You just answered my question I have up above!

Hey, what’s the name of that other, similar movie that I believe ends with a woman giving birth to a mutated baby? I think it was made for British television, but I can’t remember.

“It’s a film about guilt and motherhood. It has no primary colors in its palette, unlike the original. It will be cold, evil and really dark.”

Was she trying to do a Winona Ryder voice?

If I’m involved? So much.

I really hope that epic, years-long conversation here isn’t gone forever. It was so cute!

I think I’m broken, because I don’t have anything cynical to say about this. Good job, guy? I approve? That doesn’t sound like me!

All I know is that this all seems to be building up to a really nice climax. A lot of major players are already put in place at the sheriff’s station.

Last night’s episode was amazing and I think that the two-parter is going to be great television. Thank god I don’t have to work the next day because it feels like a perfect opportunity to tie one on.