
YOU SEE WHAT I MEAN?! This guy is here, this fucking mo-mo who uses “liberal snowflakes” without a hint of irony.

And you’re still grayed out! Goddammit, this site fucking sucks.

By far, my favorite thing about the Kinja crossover is how a significant portion of the top comments are from racist trolls and the general discourse of the site has shifted to general assholery. That’s just the best.

“The band later issued a mumbled half-apology via Twitter”

These guys look way too old to make such shitty music and be such shitty, immature dumbasses.

I goddamn love <i>Miracle Mile</i>.

Less knee-slappin’.

It has the potential to look soooo GOOD! I’m dying to see what it looks like. Hell, even if it was only shot on 16mm, it could still look brilliant... but with Janus Films and Martin Scorsese involved, it’s going to look as beautiful as possible.

Hope I get to see the apparently incredible 4k remaster of NotLD when it comes out in October.

I love his “but they broke the law!”

Oh, go FUCK yourself.

Yeah, so it’s like not only is the website now completely unusable, it’s become a fucking hive of trollery. It’s really, really sad to see the downfall of the A.V. Club. I was in denial for a long time about the worst of the Kinjapocalypse, but it’s like everything everyone said is coming true.

Now playing

I was hoping the soothing song was gonna be, “Holy fucking shit, fucking dinosaurs, holy shit! What the fu-uuu-uuuuuuck!”

Forget Martin Shkreli. THIS guy has the most punchable face I’ve ever seen.

Uhhh.... wait, what?

Jim treats everyone with disdain but Pam. He’s a fucking dick.

Hey good to see you again, man!

It’d be worth it to tell him, man, you’ve got a huge diaper butt.

Donald Trump is a billionaire businessman who’s worn a suit his whole life.

I’m calling the cops!