
Yeah and since there’s no “sort by newest” option, anyone coming late to a discussion will never have their comment read. Used to be that for a movie review you’d have lots of people discussing it after having seen it in the newer comments, since the older ones would just be reactions to the review. No more!

No, you can merge legacy accounts now. I did it the other day. It doesn’t really “do” anything, though.

Yeah, why can’t we block users now? There is some stuff I’d rather not have to scroll through.

I just don’t fucking care anymore. I’ve been reading this site for over 10 years, and I’ve been commenting for around 7 or 8 years.

I got a follower! It’s a spambot, sure, but it’s a SEXY spambot. And it’s here to stay, because I can’t figure out how to block users or report bullshit accounts.

Facebook has now adopted the same commenting strategy. Trolls get rewarded. It sucks hardcore.

Kinja discourages commentator to commentator commenting and thus destroys a commentator community.

What is the metric for putting comments on top. It doesn’t seem to be chronological or most starred/recommended comment. What starts off as the first comment will later be the 3rd or 4th one down. So as you read the comments someone replying will say “as X said above” and the comment being referenced shows up later.

Perhaps it’s because he was suggesting that his dog is somehow in mortal danger by being in the proximity as Chinese people? As if they’re some kind of crazy people hell bent on eating every dog that they see. Would be like a Hindu saying he’d never bring his cow to America as if eating hamburgers is some kind of

I guess it’s the gross generalization of it all, China being the immense country that it is. Cultural differences over distances the same as between France or Greece, would make those differences much larger as well

But to be honest, I was a bit confused as well. It’s a terrible joke and I hate their music but the joke

and they added, “We’re still not drinking your Coke.”

Their president inspires them to own their bullshit.

Yeah, but when are they going to apologize for their music?

Shitty musicians say shitty things during a shitty year full of racism.

The ball and cup game news scroll was hilarious...that and the wordplay. The episode as a whole is a microcosm of this season imho: More miss than hit.

Yeah, this one felt a bit all over the shop when it came to the topical commentary. The Terrence Malick and Cheers and Jeers lines were great though.

A.A., I will die happy if ever you call one of my films, “Not too bad.”

Why the recent resurgence in interest in this movie?

There’s such a thing as Mumford & Sons-lite?!

Seems a bit of a wasted role though, Norm is just a green pile of goop? He should have been their Guinan; except just a bartender with terrible advice and long, rambling story-jokes.