
Super fucking psyched for next week’s two-part finale.

I enjoy complaining with you!

Man, I keep trying to make Kinja work, and I’m tryin’! I really am! But following comments on these reviews is really difficult, man.

Now I know that my own personal hell is having to hear Jennifer Jason Leigh eat chips without closing her damn mouth and sucking on her fingers after each chip. Each new bag she opened filled my heart with dread.

Something wrong with James Cameron’s soul?! Why I never! Why I... no, actually, that sounds about right.


Gettin’ real tired of old white men telling me what is and isn’t feminist, in general.

As these days tick on, I keep being like, “Hey, I know that commenter!”

Wait, but... but the...

I like The Last Detail, all three leads and the director... the trailer’s not great, but fuck trailers. I’m in.

I feel like the Kinja of people wouldn’t be a *bad* person, per se, just kind of hard to understand and weird. Like a friend’s mom who drinks way too much.

Perhaps the movie ends with Keanu Reeves decapitating her atop a subway car?

And before you even knew what you had, you patented it, and packaged it, and slapped it on a glass beer bottle, and now you’re selling it, you wanna sell it. Well...

I like weed and all, but not enough to consume it without its intended effect. I mean... it tastes *fine* on its own, sometimes sweet, sometimes skunky, but if I’m not getting high.... eh.

That you’re still around has filled my heart with an absurd amount of joy.

I’m the kind of bigot that wears tuxedo t-shirts.

We have a lot of new commenters here and a lot of holdovers from the old A.V. Club. Hello, everyone new and old. Still getting used to the new system and format. It’s just gonna take some adjustment for me here.

Hey. Billy cares.

I don’t know. It sure doesn’t seem like it.

None of my shit carried over either, of course.