
I know it’s not a great theory, but the bombing was Poe’s idea. Leadership was against it.

I know it’s not a great theory, but the bombing was Poe’s idea. Leadership was against it.

The point being that the Resistance values life?

Reluctance to kill EVERYONE on the 1st Order ships? There had to be some innocents that died.

Larry just got on the Christmas-cards-for-life lists of Russ and everyone in OKC

Jozy would just the passer a dirty look bc the ball wasn’t where and when HE wanted it. He never would have made the run.

By the way, if you want to fuck up a catholic’s day, ask them what the “Immaculate Conception” was.

Remember: the entire American continent is named after unremarkable but conniving explorer who was better at getting his name slapped on stuff (remind you of anyone?) than he was at actual exploring.

Those Old Fashioned glasses are really, really small and they call them Doubles? FOH

I see lots of Wentz jerseys in MSP too. Pretty weird. I talked to one of the guys and he doesn’t like the Iggles at all, he is an NDSU alum.

You could have stopped at Eskin.

any sane Philly fan should watch the coming playoffs peeking through their hands.

But also, quit being a dick about this dude

Yeah, I’m the stupid one. It’s labeled Fat Free not carb free

But it wasn’t a lie, was it? That’s why you see things like bags of Swedish Fish saying it’s a low carb treat. Advertisers know how stupid we are.

Some Gooners would argue that the Referee helped MU a bit with the result.

I like the Whopper,

That choice would be 90 degrees from what I thought he would make... Right? 

Why would anyone want to jump that high?

Not any bowl selection committees that matter.