This incident is NOT funny — Tommy Boy is an asshole — but the Scout Master thing does call to mind that episode of My Name is Earl when Earl asked the inmates of a prison if anyone was a Scout Leader and about half the inmates raised their hands.
This incident is NOT funny — Tommy Boy is an asshole — but the Scout Master thing does call to mind that episode of My Name is Earl when Earl asked the inmates of a prison if anyone was a Scout Leader and about half the inmates raised their hands.
All the support for Deadpsin.
So THIS is Curt Schilling’s friend that supports CS for a manager position.
Neil: Virtually everyone agrees that the c-word is the worst thing one can call a woman.
The return of BDN...Iggles fans would put the cream in the Tastykakes themselves.
Used to greet certain friends as ‘Ninja’, but was told that it sounded like a play on the N-word, so I dropped that habit
I got pulled aside for a “have you got 5 minutes?” when I changed my avatar on Skype to Soldier76 from Overwatch. AFAIK, all the clients that even noticed thought it was funny. “Joyless” is a requirment for middle-management at large corporations.
Scrapple Shoulder sounds delicious.
You watched these people book their tickets? How do you know that’s what the dastardly parents did?
She says the same to me
It’s worse than the WaWa running out of rolls for their hoagies.
That’s redundant
You keep using that word...I don’t think it means what you think it means.
Exhibit 1A in soccer snobbery... “It’s not Offsides, it’s Offside.”
Unless Andrew is getting $24k a month in support from OJ, I think he’s safe. If he IS getting that, I’m not saying OJ should kill him, but I understand.
No mention of wooder for water?
Good mushrooms in Toughkenamon.
Fuck Buddy Ryan, and fuck you, Drew, for getting more enjoyment from one incredible Randall Cunningham season than this city got in an entire decade of having him. What a waste. And fuck all these ding dongs who want to change back to the Kelly green jerseys as if they represent some proud history. This team has been…
I really hope Deadspin never updates the stock photo of BS.