Dream Theater of the Absurd

Cord Automobile. Innovations were introduced by Cord that did not appear in production vehicles for nearly 30 years after they were rolled out.

A more infamous domestic one from the likes of Ford...Edsel.

depends on what you mean by audacious, and startup...

Tucker is always worth a Mention. 50 Cars

If only we knew what cowboys traditionally rode into.

Death Cab for Cutie.

Love that engine.

That’s how it so often goes. Woman starts something with her mouth or points a finger and then her bf, husband, brother, whatever thinks its his duty to defend her. The end result is often a disaster with either the guy she pointed at or her defender or both with life altering or life ending consequences. She walks

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How To Cook That needs a shout here. Ann Reardon’s been doing what a lot of wee bloggers with too much time on their wee hands should have been doing for the past ten years (glares) and exposing a lot of the fakery and bullshit from content farms like Blossom and those tuppeny slags at 5 Minute Crafts and So Yummy.

for when you’ve nailed the one-liner:

My now wife wonders why I told her when we met that i don’t jump in to shit she starts. Love, this is why.

“Good night Wesley, Good work, sleep well. I’ll most likely kill you in the morning”.

Use half sour cream and half mayonnaise. Add the sour cream first, mix and then add just enough mayonnaise to get it to the right consistency - you’ll use less mayonnaise that way.

I suppose if the warthog doesn't sound like this girl that's true

The director of Fatal Attraction sent his kid to the same school I was attending at the time. I think I was in 3rd grade.

I hope “Babe’s” lawyer is busy stuffing a sock in his mouth and telling everyone that he had no foreknowledge of her intended malfeasance. I say stuffing a sock in his client’s mouth, because if “Babe” was dumb enough to date crazy like this, he is probably dumb enough to implicate himself in whatever her stupidity

Keep her away from any pets, especially bunnies.

If you’ve seen their youtube motorcycle reviews, i’m the guy that does those :-) so on behalf of the guys, thanks for watching!

Taco Bell needs to make the nacho fries a permanent thing.

I still miss the Chilito from Taco Bell, but that’s a torch that I’ve been carrying for decades now.