Dream Theater of the Absurd

Don’t forget Ericsson was up at the front too, but had to save a lot of fuel towards the end, which dropped him down a couple places. Team Ganassi sent a message this weekend that they will be a team to contend with this year.

For more clinical reviews, Everyday Driver is a far more interesting verison of the formulaic Motorweek. 

Regular Car Reviews. There are other car channels on youtube?

My dad used to fly for business a lot. He had to go to France so often that Air France granted him permanent mega-upgrade superstatus for several years for him and the whole family. If seats were available in a higher cabin, we got them. This was in the 1980's, before everybody had status through their credit card use

That’s what I was looking for, thank you.

There was very recently the story about John Cena doing this on the set of The Suicide Squad, eating something like 20 empanadas in the course of filming a single scene.

Yeah, I just recently bought my first C4 and the requirement was an LT1 or 4. I ended up getting a 95. 

My Dad had a (new at the time) maroon ‘88 Callaway twin-turbo Corvette convertible as his secondary car. It was in the shop a lot. But at the time, it was a cool car and, I thought, looked appropriately cool.

Clean car. Probably my favorite instrument cluster. C4s are underappreciated. Nice Price.

I feel like I need to leave work and search for this game immediately. Now excuse me while I drive home in my Sudaru Impresa.

Amusingly, what always kept me from buying a Miata was that I had a Spitfire, and eventually an Alfa Spider as well. Finally bought a Fiata when I needed a convertible for my winter place.

I think it was an ‘82. A 4-door as well.

Oh I understand the concept. I just think the band name already sounds like a sandwich.

Miata. In 1989 I was 14 and up until then I had been infatuated with the MGB. At that point, the world saw two-seater convertibles as unreliable nightmare machines from the factory. The Miata was the first reliable roadster and was plenty exciting to boot.

Nice of your parents to drive it up from the Bahamas.

The C4 iteration of the Corvette.  It seemed to be so advanced over the C3 from what I gathered from the Motor Trend issues that my grandfather gave me.  I don’t think I saw one in person for a few years.

1969 Dodge Daytona and its fraternal corporate twin, the 1970 Plymouth Superbird. I thought it was so cool that they would make those radical body modifications based on wind tunnel data and sell the car to the public in order to certify it for NASCAR racing.

TR7. actually owned one later and it fully lived up to my fantasies. great handling little car, just enough engine, completely unreliable. would buy another one in a heartbeat.

Bacon Tomato Salsa burger would have been a better BTS promo.