I am Jack's complete lack of compassion

“obscene devices do not implicate any liberty interest”


Isn’t it spelled ‘fuse’?

Jeep Wrangler. You’re welcome.

Double dog-dare.


Are we not going to talk about the Ferrari in the garage?

Did you mean private sector? If so, I agree. The worst thing about health insurance is that it’s run by for-profit companies.

What years does this issue apply to? I have a 2016

I want to go to there.

Smaller commuter planes, especially JetBlue, don’t have first class.

I’m so disappointed there’s no audio. In my head it’s like this.

Unfortunately Trump is probably relatively better than Pence.

It looks like the greenhouse is taller, based on the windshield. That is good. My JK seems a bit Hummer-like with the shorty windshield/windows.

I’ve seen a lot of videos from this corner. The angle doesn’t show it but I think it’s a pretty abrupt crest in the middle of that long left.

You’re not wrong.

I think the CC is a neat looking car every time I see it on the road.

Holy fucking panel alignment, Batman.

If you’re going to spend that much money on an SUV, get a fucking Range Rover.

Class 3 is used on current model JK Jeep Wranglers. I never realized what a pain in the ass they are until I bought one.