
I think it’s much more likely that participants don’t want to be outed by former same-sex lovers once their pictures get tweeted out far and wide.

Everybody has been claiming Trump only floated that idea about buying up Greenland to distract from a mass shooting or a murdered Trump accomplice or whatever, but the fact that he was planning to get all Adderall’ed up to fly somewhere and discuss it makes it seem like he was stupid enough to think it was a real

“Don’t use this chokehold on suspects, because it could kill the suspect.”

Kosh is one of those names I expect to see listed when they talk about a new mass shooter’s internet history of racism and misogyny. Hopefully he’ll just disappear one day because of an accidental (or otherwise) self-inflicted gunshot. I didn’t notice that he was gone for a while until the El Paso shooting seemed to

5 million members, plus a lot of foreign donors that fund them.

Boy, you’re having a good ol’ time talking about a couple thousand murders, aren’t you?  

Because you shitheads run out to celebrate and gloat every single time a Trumpster fights another battle in the race war you’re so desperate for.

Obviously not his usual digs: here’s the neighbor that gold Las Vegas Trump Hotel(Not Casino!) usually enjoys:

He met a real dumb, drunk girl who makes bad decisions.  I’d steal her identity, yo.  

“It’s not fair! Every other Republican got a full term before the Democrat economic recovery quit on them!  Obama owes me two more years of a good economy!”

About once a month I think of the girls in the Baby Got Back video and wonder how they’re coping with everybody wanting to be thiccc nowadays. Then I do the math and realize they’re probably both middle-aged Karens who harass store clerks and waiters.

And here’s where we see Tomato isn’t a harmless crank so much as he is a cog in a targeted campaign.

I thought that burner was gone for good. Mom must have let him have computer privileges again. 

 O, remember, they “drained the swamp” or something. 

The whole conservative model is based around supporting Dear Leader,  o. After ow stupid or awful his statements are. So Dummy says something in passing, and no matter how stupid or thoughtless it is everyone from Republican pundits to Russian bots to flesh-and-blood trolls immediately start pushing it as a serious

This idiot has spent 60 years of his life admiring gangsters, modeling his behavior after movie gangsters, and running scams and laundering money with gangsters, and he is still too stupid to see why the United States has shouldered the cost of protecting most of the world.

Kosh, you know your racist ass wouldn’t pass a screening for a gun license, don’t you?

Man, Scotland is not sending their best!

Can you imagine how soft this piece of shit must be?  He’d be banging on the door and blaming Julia before the interrogator even got to the room. 

This is a typo-troll impersonating a regular user. Probably the same dickhead pretending to be Dr Emilio Lizardo. Just dismiss his ass whenever possible, and, oh, yeah, Splinter, please start cracking down on this.