
Shit, was there any big sports news this week?  

I hope the cold-open for every episode is Superman (or Lois) rescuing Jimmy from some ridiculous situation.  “Again, Jimmy, with the Turtle Boy solution?”

Yeah, I always wondered how S-M1 played the crappy home-made suit up for laughs since it fell so far from the sketch of the comics suit he had in mind, but then he suddenly had a super well-made suit with fancy fabric and lenses and everything. SNL did a pretty good skit where the Rock gets super powers and has a

Is Melanie’s dumb ass waving at the Jumbotron?

Maybe he could have a limp!

Sexy Mr Rogers would get a lot more benefit of the doubt from me if she was wearing comfy sneakers with that sweater.

Eh, even his “best” works are just twelve issue rambles with a big cast and a final issue that explains how “all those random things were clues!”

He wrote Commando, for gods’ sake, he’s been failing upwards for a long time. 

Horcrux of some kind, probably. 

“Taking one last look at my friends, before I kill you all” is where I’m expecting that to go.

There is a longtime poster here with the same display name. This asshole has the same display name with a misspelled username (which you can see when you’re flagging his posts for harassment or hate speech). Why kinja allows users to impersonate other users is a mystery, but why this user has impersonated another use

DC did not let John Byrne carry out his “Pa Kent buries Kal-El’s dead mother’s body beneath the barn” storyline, so John Byrne went the “Krypton is sterile and Kal-El was a test-tube baby who was born from an artificial womb.”

Kill yourself

Does Ninja’s wife stream with men, or do their Pence-rules require her to only associate with other women?

Yeah, the whole “Krypton was a sterile/asexual dystopia” depiction that started with the Man of Steel reboot was entirely the result of John Byrne thinking “Superman has to be born on Earth and in America, also women are nasty so Krypton wouldn’t allow women to have working vaginas.”

I’m most excited abut the Greg Rucka stuff right now.

I haven’t hated the Bendis run the way some people have.  I’m sore about Superboy being magically aged and shunted off to the future, but I like some of the other stuff.  And I really like the Batman Universe stuff Bendis is doing where Batman is not acting like a huge jerk AND finding himself in situations that he

John Byrne wrote a while after the initial reboot that got collected in a trade. He wrote a storyline where Superman was mindcontrolled into sleeping with Big Barda (who was married) and making a porno that was implied to be just a video of Superman masturbating before making a porno sleeping with Barda (which

I bet you feel more comfortable with adults than with people your own age, huh?

If only there were a couple dozen movies over the past decade that showed people tolerated and enjoyed the less grim and gritty take on comic book movies.