
That’s exactly it. I like cars. I pour whole paychecks in old jalopies, which makes no logical sense. I do it because I like it.

I know people are angry at the oil companies for being greedy with prices but people really need to get angry at city planners and zoning laws.

Best part - that paper was on his shoe all the way from the White House. Which means dozens of his staffers saw and said nothing. Just let him wander around with the tile comet.

I’ve been riding and racing for 20 years and have seen experienced cyclists who ride over 10,000 miles a year fall over in that same manner. I think it is great that a man in his 70's is out there getting some exercise instead of sucking down Diet Cokes and lying about his weight while trying to end democracy.

“So... I... grabbed... Carrie’s... sweet...can.  Sweet, sw-sw-sweet can.”

Or even just let the show die entirely. We don’t need to reboot everything, we don’t need to reanimate the corpses of characters we last cared about 20 years ago, and we don’t need to tie ourselves in knots explaining how Jimothy has been lost on the Appalachian Trail for the past 6 months and couldn’t be available

Recast with Nicolas Cage.  The guy’s having a moment right now, and you know he’ll throw himself into the role.

Texas is actually old Florida, before Florida became, you know, FLORIDA. Sometime in the 1980s the ascendancy of Florida man was complete and America’s penis became the bastion of batshittery you see today, but before that Texas was a strong contender. 

Texas is becoming the New Florida

My farewell is indeed the last article that I’ve written for Jalopnik! I admit that it's little weird to be posting from the “grave.” lol

Me: “Sure I’ll haul it away for $2,500.”

I miss David Tracy.

That’s not a restoration project. That’s a parts car.

That is one nutty-ass headline.

Manwich sounds reasonable, and you sound like an unhinged wierdo.

What sort of deep-fried fricking idiocy is this article?! You’re seriously trying to use literally anything as an excuse to decry how black women get treated and you’re trying to insinuate that this is about Heard’s gender and not about her lying through her teeth?

Just wait until he moves that goalpost.

Go ahead and reply about how irrational you feel that is,”

Put your order in now for a Ford F-150 Lightning then. They start at $40k”

i need a truck to replace my 17yo truck.