
Yes, the billionaires are so generous to feed the plebs.

I mean,it is demonstrable orders of magnitude worse

exactly, and relapses are often just part of the reality of substance use disorders that nobody likes to admit. It doesn’t make an individual less committed to their recovery because they need extra help again.

I feel like it would be cool if Greenpeace retrofitted their protest fleet with torpedo tubes and went mega yacht hunting.

First of all, seems to me that ALL of the money in the world doesn’t really seem to bring these people.... “ Happiness”

Larry Ellison.
Elon Musk.
Steve Jobs.
Jeff Bezos.
Bill Gates.

ALL of them divorced. Most of them having been through more than one divorce. In the case of Warren Buffet, he disowned his own

A luxury yacht offers a self-sufficient sanctuary at sea”

I guess.

Sure... but. Adjusted for inflation the average US worker has seen their wages go up by about 9%. Meanwhile the average US CEO has seen their base compensation increase by 247%.

rich is like 7-8 figures. these 9-10-11-12 figure mfs are a failure of the system.

“Hey I just got a chicken, what should we name her?”

I don’t understand what you’re trying to say. Or what, exactly, you take issue with.

Oh dear, where is Fancy Kristen when you need her?

Rich is fine, but obscene disproportionate wealth without any social conscience,  not so much 

Median income in the United States: $31,133

But that’s the thing isn’t it? When people are that fucking stupid, what do the rich have to worry about?

as I saw one comment say, don’t they realize we still live in the same world and overwhelm any number of hired troops they can buy? BUT then Philippines just elected a son of dictator that stole +5 billion from the people

...and they still are and the pandemic is not over.

“They” aren’t paying shit. Their corporate shell companies, however, are and then being written off as businesses expenses.

Stop making so much sense. One of Elon’s claim to fame is he’s paying the most taxes ever. Yeah, because of the imbalance in income not because tax rates are high. He’s so dense.

Is this a surprise? The world’s upper 1% made off like bandits during the pandemic. And the result?

An Andy Warhol print sold for almost 200 MILLION dollars.

A 1955 Mercedes sold for $135 million

And so on. And I have to be honest- this sort of pisses me off. These people are richer than anyone in recorded history. The