
Please tell me that a “Steam Whistle” involves foreplay of some sort.

I read your initial post too quickly. Sounds like we still probably disagree on a lot but you are at least trying to have a sensible dialogue, and that should be welcomed.

Hello, StalinBot™!


‘Cruel’ has the connotation the pain is inflicted mostly for enjoyment, and not because it’s seen as a necessary.means to an end...

This is the most Russian thing I’ve ever heard.

You need to get immersed in a story over its entire course. You can’t just jump into an issue and come up to speed on the actors and the implications. The odds are pretty good that something will arise later on for which he has no intelligence basis for helping him work through it.

No, but they do have a lock on a very special kind of obnoxious fan.

As a human being with functioning eyes and brain

Charlie Parker: “If God made anything better than heroin, he kept it to himself.”



I was born in Australia

Between 24/7 Trump madness and this kind of insanity masquerading as normalcy in 2018, I’m pretty much in full-time freakout mode. A PEACOCK IN A FUCKING AIRPLANE CABIN?

If only we could talk about events in this world in a manner completely divorced from their larger context!

The best thing he can do is to step down... and then turn cartwheels straight towards Mueller’s office.

Not enough stars in the Milky Way for this one.