
When I was in high school in the 1980s, I worked for the Jackson (Mississippi) Mets, the NYM’s AA farm team at the time.  It was great, very much a Bull Durham experience in many ways.  I got to meet several players who went on to play in the majors, as well as their GM at the time, Frank Cashen.

aaaaaaaaaand now I realize I’m late to this party...

Damn... just posted this but looks like you beat me to it.

I believe this picture was taken at the Nakatomi building. Here’s another:

Jesus Tapdancing Christ, Twitter sucks. No form of communication except maybe Facebook has the same capacity to make me hate people with whom I mostly politically agree. Twiddiots, leave this woman alone. She did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG and it’s pathetic to feel the need to attack her for not being as woke as you in

Biff the Dipshit cannot process that people who still love the country don’t love him.

Harvard graduate (and generally a HamNo fan) here. I came from a background that would at best be described as middle class (in Mississippi), but we struggled financially from my fifth grade year until well after my graduation from high school. Harvard accepted me and it cost my parents virtually nothing . I got a

Your boy is going down.  If there was any justice, he wouldn’t be put in jail... he’d be put in solitary confinement UNDER the jail.  But keep on spouting lies if it makes you feel better.

The “language and syntax imitation” feature on your Russian bot is impressive. The cognitive part, however, is about thirty years away from prime time.

You are an objectively ridiculous person and should not be taken seriously.  Trump has been impeachable since long before Day One.  That Mueller couldn’t or wouldn’t “prove” it beyond your threshold of unreasonable doubt doesn’t change this reality one iota.

(Oh yeah, Jagger was in Italy promoting a movie, The Burnt Orange Heresy.)

And yet pot is still a Schedule 1 substance.  ‘MURICA!!!

I worked on the 1993 Inaugural Committee in the ticketing department. I had just moved to DC after working on Clinton’s ‘92 campaign in my state, and I was fresh out of college. Rahm Emanuel was the chair of the Committee, and my first meeting was one in which he was grilling the team I was on. Everyone (except my

Several commenters seemed to miss your sarcasm.  I didn’t, and I appreciate it.

If by “better” you mean “more effective at implementing wildly stupid and frequently cruel policies,” then sure.

Particularly since Teigen is humiliating him on his chosen battlefield, Twitter. That’s one place of the infinite number of places where Trump can’t deal with ridicule.

He’s a real anechole. 

My money’s on “carrier pigeon” or “Hogwarts owl,” but I like the way you think.

You’ve got me crying a lot over this one. +49