Why would he back down from being right?
Why would he back down from being right?
Jezspin forever
Right - the guy who along with Peyton Manning was instrumental in getting the rules changed in the first place to allow the QB to have the game ball that they use on offense inflated to the pressure they prefer (within a specified range) couldn’t tell the difference between over inflated and under inflated footballs.
Part of me suspects that’s how this post got so long.
He smokes a ton of pot.
I’d like to take this time to offer my condolences on the fact that you can no longer drink.
His title has been re-cast as Assistant to the GM.
Good lord.
“Taubman, a former fantasy baseball expert and investment banker...”
Username checks out.
Very nice of them to go shirts and skins to tell them apart in that video apparently taken with a toaster. My kingdom for a pixel.
This is probably a Magic Johnson level obvious take, but all I could think watching this series was damn the Astros are good at playing baseball. The Yanks can mash a bunch of dongs, the Twins were the same way, the Nats and Cardinals are similar but mostly riding momentum, the Dodgers are pure firepower that can’t…
For a second I thought you were being a shit, but I was wrong and just primed for a shitty reply. This dude is for real a great guy.
That’s quite an honor, I’ll wear it with pride. #FuckTheBeach
This is the single worst take in the history of language.
Fuck the beach. The beach is the fucking worst. You know who goes to the beach? Miserable fucking people go to the beach, to pretend that they’re not miserable fucking people.
I've always thought the "Dad?" line is actually directed at Francis Ford Coppola.
And the next line -edited out- is, "line?"