
This needs to be a poster. A really BIG poster. Posted in every schoolroom in the United States.

Is my safety guaranteed?

I'm a Chrome user on desktop, so you'd think my choice for a mobile browser would follow suit. But after iOS 8, I made the switch from Chrome to Safari and haven't looked back. I like that Chrome keeps my settings synced up across devices, but it turns out, I don't really care about that on mobile. Whatever I'm

First off, I'm well aware that iTunes on Windows is a pretty bad experience. But iTunes on the Mac works pretty well and there really aren't any alternatives that can replace it on the Mac. Vox is awesome, but I still end up using iTunes most of the time. Sure, iTunes is a bit bloated at this point, and why I need the

Apple Maps got off to a pretty bad start, but it's better since the launch. So far, it hasn't lead me into a canyon. The sad, pathetic reason I like Apple Maps more than Google Maps? It works really well on iOS and doesn't require a bunch of tweaking. I used Google Maps for a long time, but I got sick of it quitting

I know I'm going to get thrown into the fire for this, but for me personally, Apple Mail on iOS is all I want in an email client. I don't do email on iOS very often, if I did, I'd use Dispatch, but I'm in front of my computer all day long, so mobile email isn't really a necessity for me. What is useful is Mail's VIP

"Nothing goes over my head, my reflexes are too fast; I would catch it."


Turn off the Internet you pervs. It looks like a stylized A made from a paperclip.

the 10% nonsense is the reason I won't see Lucy. I can't suspend my disbelieve that much :/

You best start believing in ghost stories Miss ThoughtOtter. You're in one

I used to put off going to bed because I didn't want it to be the next day, and the later I stayed up, the more of today I could still enjoy. Robbing Peter to pay Paul, I suppose, but when you hate your job, it seems to make sense...

Am I the only one who hates video posts. With all the video clips, news, reviews, etc lately I feel like I'm encroaching on a "get off my lawn!" Part of my life... But I just want to read, not watch ;/ I don't want to listen to other people.


I hate it when I really like a movie and the public doesn't.

I recall being 15 in 1983 and watching "The Day After" on TV. Scared the crap out of me. Thanks for bringing it all back Jesus!

Interesting, they misspelled Man of Steel. . . .

I have seen several articles on this. Why are they comparing the size of a galaxy to the sun, seems counter-intuitive. Wouldn't it make more sense to compare to the milky way?

Now playing

Then there's that other secret about space exploration: