
There seems to be a lot of despise for this movie, based on its plot some call unimaginative. So... we're done with cautionary tales about the dangers of technology and downfall of man's hubris?

Star Trek: Dark Harder.

Star Trek: Into Darkerness

If you have to actively restrain yourself to maintain your bodyweight, you will gain weight over time.

i can understand that maths is a bunch of WTF but what i cant understand is that to prove 1+2+3+4+5... and so on =1/12 you need use two other mathematical equations both of which seemed to be dragged form thin air( i mean made the f... up 1 is +-+-+ and the other is +-again but each number gets bigger then you have to

42, the answer is always 42.

Keep drilling, until you find a Balrog.

You guys debate all you want, but I am really glad the world didn't decide to have a pointless nuclear exchange before I was born.

My thought exactly. I adore tea, but wine just tastes like burning and rotten fruit to me.

Wine tastes delicious? This is news to me.

I find this a much better visual representation of the idea the images in the article are trying to express.

The "spoiler" — if you can call something specifically revealed in a trailer a spoiler —

"Polystyrene Foam" is too hard to say- I'm gonna stick with Styrofoam.

ok. So what's the name of the substance used in packaging and coffee cup and so on?

We know it's not Styrofoam, but what is it?

Do you remember Thunderhead? Tall, storm powers, nice man, good with kids.

That's my secret, Captain. It's always opened.

Frank nailed it, all other opinions are incorrect

Eff that. Puppet Pal Angel is awesome.

Great legs on her, she just looks better and better with age.

Doesn't seem much different to me.