
CLU from TRON Legacy trying to create the perfect system comes to mind.

Agree. I like Luc Besson, but seriously...this is just ridiculous. That idea hasn't been valid for decades. Given that Morgan Freeman, who narrates Through the Wormhole, has agreed to do the film, I'm holding out hope that they explain this hackneyed expression into a somewhat logical argument. Perhaps it has to do

Read too many fantasy novel, eh?

"but when you hate your job..."

Pirate Wash would have been awesome...and a good fit given the search for Shiny!

Disagree. I love that movie for the actors (all of them), the music, the lighting, the camera work, and the general counter culture feel it tried to attain. Granted there are some flaws; it wasn't a high-budget film. But it's one of the better computer movies out there. (Of course, it could be that there are so few

It's even worse than that. El Gordo is a galaxy cluster. So they are comparing an entire group of galaxies to a single star. Makes no sense at all. Like comparing all the cars in the Florida to a Toyota Camry.

Apparently it's the nature of superheroes to be miserable. Those who enjoy their powers are called villains!


Bootstrapping is the process of writing a compiler for a programming language. Not sure why it took Prof. Rodden 8 minutes to say that.

I really don't care about the birds. I'm not anti-bird, but we have to stop this over-sentimentality. Bird-kind will go on. We needn't worry about them.

Murphy's Law

"I understand Nolan's Bat-movies are "realistic" and "gritty," but if I wanted realistic and gritty I wouldn't be watching a movie about a man dressed up as a bat fighting crime."

Agree. But I was referring to your "who uses that tiny monitor nowadays?" statement. The answer: most people.

According to, 64% of computer monitors run at 1080p or less.


I think there's a lot if discrepancy on the definition of reboot.

China's birthrate pre-policy was 5.8 in 1970 and 1.5 in 2013. The fertility rate has indeed fallen.

Of course, this assumes the demon has a Skype account.

Skype exorcists are scam artists?