
It is interesting. If it "blew" in, which direction did it come from, because no other rocks or pebbles are disturbed in any direction around it. Could it be a piece of the rover that dropped? Or rock that was on the rover that finally dropped off?

Star Trek III: The Search for Dark

Star Trek: The Darkening

Watched 5 minutes and turned off. I seriously wonder how long that will stay on.

Or...Barry, using his KGB resources, manipulates ODIN to influence the FBI to shutdown ISIS. (Did I get all the letters right?)

Perhaps they meant recycled instead of reformed.

Is it me or does Spidey's outfit look decades out of place? Studios have modernized outfits for various superheroes, mostly for the better, in each successive movie or at least each franchise reboot. But Spidey looks like he just stepped out of a 1970's TV series. Blech!

I believe we're arguing slightly different points here. :) I'm not denying your mathematical prowess. But I think our discussion is starting to circle. Thanks for the chat!

I think the problem here is one of definition. Even Cesaro summations are dependent upon how you define the partial sum boundaries. A commentor in a different forum states: "In particular, the sequence of average partial sums of 1+2+3+... has no finite limit, so no finite Cesàro sum."

Sorry IMP, should have said non-limiting infinite series. My point was that the argument wants people to get bogged down in the details and ignore the bigger picture.

I'm not going to watch the linked video. But since you have, how did they correlate S1 and S2 to S? As far as I can see, they're using apples and oranges to prove that the sky is blue.

Now playing

"Actually, we were looking for infinity plus infinity. Sorry"

Sometimes mathematics are based on assumptions in order to adequately frame a problem. (They do this in physics as well, hence the basis for Leonard Hofstadter's (Big Bang Theory) joke about spherical chicken's in a vacuum). The problem here is that the assumptions are flawed. There is no sum for an infinite series.

Used to be the same for me. But now on OS X Mavericks, VLC 2.1.2 Rincewind (most recent as of this post) won't play WMV files. Don't know why. Had to install Flip4Mac.

C'mon, those aren't the real words ;)

Unless you have months of food stored in a bunker that is extremely well shielded (more than a local hurricane shelter or school gymnasium), it doesn't matter if you survive the first 30 minutes. The real danger is radiation.

If I'm close enough, I'm running toward the light. I'm not sure I want to live in a post-nuclear age.

Depends on where you're from. Do you live in Greenland?

I drink at least 1-2 glasses of water for every cup of coffee or glass of soda, as I do have regular stones. But there are different types of stones, caused by different types of minerals. Coffee and tea may or may not increase/decrease stone formation, depending on the type of stone (oxalate, uric, struvite,

Or...the other dimensions are not gravitationally affected.