
Or the Arkenstone.

(SheldonPlankton: Your off by a factor of 1000 for Voyager's distance. It should be 19 billion, not 19 million.)

Agree. That's why there is no such thing as applied philosophy.

Let me get this straight: the company is upset that their brand name is so popular that people use it everywhere.

Yeuch! Talk about ruining a treasure. Perhaps it's the red hair, slightly blue eyes, and ruddy complexion that's throwing me off. It looks like a pissed off Scotsman with bad facial hair.

Obviously this is a solution to a real problem. But I can't say that it's ever happened to me. I move my MBP around all the time and have never had the MagSafe cable come out.

Answer is simple: dark energy.

It's like he put on a pair of glasses.

Ditto. Seems a really odd choice for them. Then again, I haven't watched that channel since the mid-80's, so I have no idea what kind of programming they have.

LOL! Agreed.

Hindsight, huh.

Common sense — You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Buildings designed to withstand any event would be too expensive to build.

Stratogale, Meta-man, Dynaguy, Splashdown... No capes!

Don't get me wrong. I was the last person I know to get a smartphone. I only use 6 apps (mail, messages, phone, internet, camera, and maps) and I use those sparingly...a couple of texts a week, same with phone calls, etc.

Why go through the trouble and expense of getting a smartphone and then not use it? I mean, if it's not on, what's the point of having one? Just get a landline with an answering machine and save a LOT of money!

Now that I've read this article, I'm looking at the story in a new light...and not a flattering one at that.

Honestly I haven't even paid attention to the relationship side of this story. I'm solely interested in the politics and social customs of this world. I didn't even realize the dark-haired guy was a love interest until after someone explained it to me.

Why would you close an email app? That defeats the purpose. That's like turning off your cellphone and only turning it on occasionally to check it.

Congratulations, China!