
It's amazing any shows last these days, given how screwed up the studios are. I wonder how Firefly would have done on Syfy. I'm betting it would have lasted longer, but probably would've had a different feel.

Agree with King_Rocket. Vamped out Spike and Angel puppets are worth the entire season. (I thought season 5 was the best. I loved the Wolfram and Hart setting. A lot better than the Connor storyline.)

Are you kidding? One of my favorites! The ending was one of the best perspective shifts I've ever seen in a story. Awesome!

To be fair, the show was aired out of order. The Train Job was the first episode aired, but it wasn't the pilot. There was no proper introduction to the characters, so it feels like we're missing background and story.

I don't think any episode of Psych is bad. Every episode adds.

Given the continued increased in both population and globalization of business, it seems rather logical to me. Keep in mind that the Dubai Air Show just finished with over $200 billion in new plane orders.

Nice catch. Loved that show. Would have been awesome to see Echo as the masseuse!

Agreed. First time I've seen it. Looks odd, like someone who has only heard the name and never seen it written out. Not sure how Artoo is quicker or more recognizable than R2.

USRobotics will build them, of course. Didn't you see I, Robot?

If I wasn't told the colors were swapped, I would never know the difference with FB and TWTR.

Makes me think of the Packers!

I was going to the say the same.

Safari on Mac is very inconsistent with page loading. 1 out of every 10-20 pages won't load. Progress bar gets ~25% and then stops. Sometimes reload works and sometimes I can't get the page to load at all. Unacceptable.

"and it feels like a more mature browser despite the fact that it's older."

The first couple of seasons were really clever. But this season is boring so far. Neverland is not an interesting enough environment to be the basis of an entire season.

I agree. And there's the added benefit of having all the movie imagery to draw upon when reading the book. I suppose that could be a con instead of a pro, but usually it works out least for me.

Looks like Bag End.

:) I think the word fatalistic is indeed a little overboard. I may argue the notion of life itself being predetermined, but I'm not going to apply that consideration to a minor fashion choice. Haha!


Fatalistic? Being a little dramatic aren't we?