
A lot of this depends on your body shape. Not everyone has the athletic build that most suits are designed for.

"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

How am I being deceitful? Please explain that.

One could also argue that musicians now have to spend more time on the road performing than in the studio creating in order to keep revenue coming in. That decreases content.

Shame. I'd love to see that one remade! One of my favorite cheesy flicks from the late 70's.

Maybe it was a subtle way of saying he prefers hard copy to soft.

I'll see for myself in a week or so. Hoping for the best!

That's what I'm counting on. I want to see it on someone else's phone first. (Maybe I'll take a trip to my local Apple Store.) But I have seen some screenshots of the actual GM and I don't like they way they look either.

I know this sounds shallow, but I'm not sure I want to upgrade because I can't stand the way it looks. iOS 6 is refined and polished...professional. iOS 7 looks like pastel candy for a teenager.

Well, not personally. But I have been around those of malicious intent when they are doing their misdeeds. I don't hang around them any more. But it shows me that if a few within my own limited circle try to pry into others' lives, then the number across the world is legion.

I re-read my previous comment and realized my last sentence was written in poor taste. I apologize. That's not how I like to come across. Sorry!

I've actually written a blog post about this. There is a reason why Hermione chose Ron.

I read your post. Those may be reasons you want to track someone. But they're not reasons someone would want to be tracked by you.

Yes, ever since Hostess Brands incorporated earlier this year. :)

Why in the world would I want to be tracked? I would never willingly allow that.

Why not a smart-beltbuckle so I can look at my crotch all day?

Not sure why the word 'cute' is used in the title. Like the artwork, though.

I know. But it's a funny line!

DOS 3.1 is universal!

Type "Cookie" you moron! LOL!